[[Manual: Detailed.Sensor.Wide.Operate]]
Necessery steps are split to small sections. Use this as your checklist:
- MembersPage/PhatBob/UserGuide wideband section
- GenBoard/Manual/OxygenSensor overview: wideband vs. narrowband sensor
- a description of the sensor at http://www.wbo2.com/lsu/default.htm
- GenBoard/Manual/OxygenSensor/Fitting important mechanical notes
- GenBoard/Manual/WBSensorConnection : how to connect sensor
- GenBoard/Manual/Config/WidebandDefaultConfig
- GenBoard/Manual/Config/WidebandCalibration explains free air calibration (and other configuration details)
- other misc notes GenBoard/Manual/Config/WBoxygen
- GenBoard/Manual/License/WBSensor
- GenBoard/Manual/Firmware/WBSensor how to compile firmware
- GenBoard/Manual/WBSensorControllerCompleting explains how to complete the hardware
- GenBoard/Manual/WBSensorControllerTesting explains how to test the hardware (TODO: split GenBoard/Manual/WBSensorLogging)
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