
The firmware compilation and configuration needs some files and packages and steps, here is a summary:


(note: if you want to update this picture, you can find the editable image in the zip in the same dir)

This page is being cleaned up and moved to GenBoard/Manual/Firmware.

There is a step by step guide on this page: MembersPage/JohanEriksson/VerThreeFirmForDummies but there is also a snapshot of the released firmware on GenBoard/UnderDevelopment/FirmwareChanges.

Using the GenBoard/Firmware/BootLoader (having boot/main.hex on the avr, and uploading vems.hex via or avrprog not avrdude) is preferred. The bootloader makes updating the firmware at a later date much easier. You might want to load just straight firmware to begin with to test your board on the desk. I would recommend getting the GenBoard/Firmware/BootLoader installed and working before you install the board in your car. Without the BootLoader you will need to connect the STK200 cable to the board in order to update the firmware.

You can get a recent [firmware HEAD snapshot] without a cvs client (see GenBoard/Firmware/CVSUsage), but don't use the CVS head unless you know what you are doing. Use the released snapshot instead.