CrossCompilation (2005-03-06 22:20:43)

Hardware Specific Compilation Information

Each hardware implementation has their own quirks for building:

With different crt0/libraries, the same tool chain should also work for developing firmware for the VemsFrontier/ArmEfi boards.

Building An ARM Cross-compiler Using The GNU Toolchain

In order to easily/quickly build binaries from C for the ARM processor, it's necessary to build a cross-compiler to run on a non-ARM machine (you can build natively if you've got the resources, but speaking as someone who has built all of XFree86 on a 200 MHz StrongARM, it sucks -- Alexander). Almost any desktop/workstation/server running Windos/Linux/*BSD/Mac OS X can host a cross-compiler, but it's a bit easier to get up and running under UNIX.

All of the following was done under Linux (Debian/testing), but it can be easily applied to building the GNU toolchains on any other platform.

1. Obtaining Source

Grab the following off of a GNU mirror of your choice (e.g.

In order to get some semblance of libc support, you'll need to get newlib from

Before we continue to build things, a couple assertions need to be made:

2. Setting Up The Source/Build Environment

Start by decompressing/extracting all of the source into one directory. Next, create empty build directories for each of the source packages:

drwxr-xr-x  15 alexander alexander     4096 Dec 27 16:32 binutils-2.15
-rw-r--r--   1 alexander alexander 15134701 Dec 27 16:15 binutils-2.15.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x  10 alexander alexander     4096 Dec 27 16:48 build.binutils
drwxr-xr-x   7 alexander alexander     4096 Dec 27 17:01 build.gcc
drwxr-xr-x   4 alexander alexander     4096 Dec 27 17:08 build.newlib
drwxr-xr-x  11 alexander alexander     4096 Dec 27 17:00 gcc-3.4.3
-rw-r--r--   1 alexander alexander 13040222 Dec 27 16:23 gcc-core-3.4.3.tar.bz2
drwxr-xr-x   9 alexander alexander     4096 Dec 17 15:03 newlib-1.13.0
-rw-r--r--   1 alexander alexander  7786190 Dec 27 16:38 newlib-1.13.0.tar.gz

In order to not have to do the builds/installs as root, it's nice to make the base directory of the toolchain (i.e. /usr/local/arm-efi) a directory owned by your user. This avoids having to run configure scripts and make files as your super-user. After everything has been built/setup, you can change ownership over to whomever you feel is correct for your system (e.g. root).

3. Configure/Build/Install binutils

Enter into your build.binutils directory, and execute the following:

../binutils-2.15/configure  --target=arm-elf --prefix=/usr/local/arm-elf

Next, run make, and then make install. To make sure the rest of your builds can now see your new tools, add /usr/local/arm-elf/bin to your PATH. In a Bourne-a-like shell (e.g. sh, or bash), you do something like:


4. Configure/Build/Install gcc

Inside build.gcc, execute the following:

../gcc-3.4.3/configure  --target=arm-elf --with-cpu=arm7tdmi --with-newlib --enabl
e-multilib --enable-interwork --disable-threads --enable-targets=arm-elf --enable-la
nguages=c --prefix=/usr/local/arm-elf

Now make and make install.

5. Configure/Build/Install newlib

Inside build.newlib, execute the following:

../newlib-1.13.0/configure --target=arm-elf --prefix=/usr/local/arm-elf 

Again, make and make install.

6. Test Out Your Creation

Open up your favorite editor, and edit a file called test.c:

    return 0;

Now compile/link this program with your new toolchain, and then verify the contents of the product:

alexander@midget:/tmp$ arm-elf-gcc armtest.c -o armtest
alexander@midget:/tmp$ arm-elf-objdump -f armtest

armtest:     file format elf32-littlearm
architecture: arm, flags 0x00000112:
start address 0x00008110

Rejoice, your compiler/linker worked.