How to reach community via irc (chat)
- #avrboard IRC channel on server (set your IRC client. There are plenty clients available. [xhcat] works reasonably on linux and win32)
Note: some behind a non-masquerading firewall (eg. from "work") cannot access this. httptunnel can be used, but it requires a remote hts (server-end) running for the htc (client-end) to connect to. We have the server where we can run hts, yell if you need it.
CGI-irc gateway whenever someone behind firewall only has browser.
Anyone can point to a working CGI-irc gateway ?
- someone on irc said works for him. I tried "other channel" option and #avrboard but it didn't connect to the right channel (always >15..20 users in). Maybe it was on different server (or irc network?)
- experimental chat (not yet used by users) installed on
- a standard http (should work everywhere)
- and a JAVA based (requires JAVA enabled). Not sure of any advantage for this simple app.
- original cgi-irc link (set #avrboard channel and servername!): [ CGI IRC gateway] - doesn't seem to work recently
- to find a CGI IRC gateway if the above says "too many connections"
- this did not allow setting #avrboard channel, I think:
When making queries, the best way is to write the setup/problem in wiki (often under MembersPage) and ask on irc copypasting the wiki link (except for the most simple questions when the wiki query might be useless - not interesting for others - if the question is answered right away).
Remember that anything written on irc will be lost ("formatting" is too noisy, so almost noone reads the whole irclog) so if something deserves to stay, it should be in wiki (or in version tracking system like CVS or SubVersionSvn).
See also