for BMW E46 CanBus messages
under [stm32-aim2can-10adcmap/] Implemented as -DCAN_VARIANT_BMW_E46_M54_S54
An exact list of required ID-s + messages needed here (so we can test, edit, confirm).
- ...
Project started 2018-02-05 (without thematical, editable page, there is no project).
1 way or 2 way?
"ARBID: 0x613 also sent from the instrument cluster if 0x615 is acknowleged."
- Is it going to be required often to respond and ACK ?
- That might be tougher to make generic home-configurability than the 1 way AIM => CAN (currently C software wired in flash, planned to be configurable after a few more examples are implemented).
CAN dash arrived to lab, so we can now test new code against real dash
Tested against real dash
- so far tested good
- have not implemented AC request back to v3 yet (available from CAN id 0x615)