BMW S50B32 outputs (2021-07-14 09:28:08)

BMW S50B32 outputs, subpage of MembersPage/SFiftyBthirtyTwo

Straight-six engines typically use a firing order of 1-5-3-6-2-4

Vanos related: MembersPage/SFiftyBthirtyTwoVanos

Ignition outputs (and fuel pump, main relay, IAC, ...)


Ignition outputs

Other outputs:

Config saved from return device [S50B32 config]

IGN 0 - MOT88/25

IGN 1 - MOT88/51

IGN 2 - MOT88/24

IGN 3 - MOT88/50

IGN 4 - N.C.

IGN 5 - MOT88/27

IGN 6 - MOT88/52

IGN 7 - MOT88/23

INJ A - MOT88/4

INJ B - MOT88/31

INJ C - MOT88/3

INJ D - MOT88/30

INJ E - MOT88/29

INJ F - MOT88/32

INJ G - MOT88/5

INJ H - MOT88/33