BMW S50B32 outputs (2021-07-15 09:25:28)

BMW S50B32 outputs, subpage of MembersPage/SFiftyBthirtyTwo

Straight-six engines typically use a firing order of 1-5-3-6-2-4

Vanos related: MembersPage/SFiftyBthirtyTwoVanos

Ignition outputs (and fuel pump, main relay, IAC, ...)


Ignition outputs - all tested, found good

We received a device with reported ign cyl5 problem.

Finding that outputs were good (also tested with load), it was a bit puzzling for quite some time.

Since the HW actuates all outputs, the only possibility we can think of that the home-swapped IGBT legs (bent incorrectly) contacted the clamping plate, causing problem.


Config saved from return device [S50B32 config]

Default config [S50B32 defult config]

Injector (lowside NFET) outputs

IAC Valve (ICV) outputs

Other outputs:

All details about the wiring is in this file

Page 145 onwards.