BMW S50B32 outputs, subpage of MembersPage/SFiftyBthirtyTwo
Straight-six engines typically use a firing order of 1-5-3-6-2-4
Vanos related: MembersPage/SFiftyBthirtyTwoVanos
Ignition outputs (and fuel pump, main relay, IAC, ...)
Ignition outputs - all tested, found good
- cyl 1 ignch0 - MOT88/25
- cyl 5 ignch6 - MOT88/52 also good, as the others
- cyl 3 ignch2 - MOT88/24
- cyl 6 ignch1 - MOT88/51
- cyl 2 ignch7 - MOT88/23
- cyl 4 ignch3 - MOT88/50
We received a device with reported ign cyl5 problem.
Finding that outputs were good (also tested with load), it was a bit puzzling for quite some time.
Since the HW actuates all outputs, the only possibility we can think of that the home-swapped IGBT legs (bent incorrectly) contacted the clamping plate, causing problem.
- IGN 5 - MOT88/27 main relay
- GND - MOT88/7 (correctly soldered as GND; not IGN 4 as M50 vanos)
Config saved from return device [S50B32 config]
Default config [S50B32 defult config]
- Please compare to known good, and see report text.
- Most attention :
- idle output(s)
- ignch6, cyl 5
Injector (lowside NFET) outputs
- CYL1 INJ C - MOT88/3 (EC36/8)
- CYL5 INJ B - MOT88/31 (EC36/19)
- CYL3 INJ A - MOT88/4 (EC36/7)
- CYL6 INJ F - MOT88/32 (EC36/18)
- CYL2 INJ G - MOT88/5 (EC36/6)
- CYL4 INJ H - MOT88/33 (EC36/17)
IAC Valve (ICV) outputs
- ICV-opening: INJ E - MOT88/29 (good) (EC36/9)
- ICV-closing: INJ D - MOT88/2 (EC36/20)
- good according to [M50-vanos-vs-s50b32-vs-M60B40_B30.xls]
Other outputs:
- AC output ?
- ... ?
All details about the wiring is in this file
Page 145 onwards.