-c write needed to write firmware (not -c verify):
- roundloader.exe -p COM1 -s 19200 -f aim2can_DB25_BMW.chex -c verify <= this will NOT write !
- roundloader.exe -p COM1 -s 19200 -f aim2can_DB25_BMW.chex -c write <= this is the command to write
- in case of problem, please report exact command and md5sum of the files (.chex and roundloader.exe files at least)
- try write (VT Tools/firmware/firmware upload, not the wizard method after replacing an old round.chex file under VT/... directory with the aim2can_DB25_BMW.chex file tweak-named as the round.chex), see AimCanFirmwareUpgrade
Hi, I'm currently trying to flash one unit (from VAG ?) to BMW specifications, I managed to get it into boot mode by sending file with loads of SSSS.
problem is that I can't upload fw to it. adding screenshots with problem.
argc: 9
Firmware pages in chex:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 55
Bootloader section pages in chex:
Speed: 19200
Port: COM1
BUFF:????■????■lCurrent State: UNKNOWN!! Exit!
Despite the (misleading) State: UNKNOWN message it actually seems to be a success, page55 is the marker word. After reboot, does it work ? Sending AIM data, every 5th byte is 0xA3 ?
will do some testing today, will check does stream actually changes. thank you.