AIM data via CAN-bus (to dashes, dataloggers)
Order [CAN_Dash] with AIM-AIM option:
35 bytes (0..34) are sent in 5 CAN-frames, CAN-ID 0x6F0..0x6F4, see
Some notable channels (See 1.2.38 on GenBoard/UnderDevelopment/FirmwareChanges )
- channels OILPRESSURE (9), OILTEMP (13), FUELTEMP (109), FUELPRESSURE (21), ERRORS (125)
- predefined calibrations and channel inputs for AIM pressure and temperature channels
- ERRORS (highbyte) has function activation states: ALS, Launch, Shiftcut, n2o, Traction Control, Injector stage 2, Idle, Ego
- ERRORS (lowbyte) has error states: o2 not ready, trigger error state, config slot active, baro problem, engine knocking, warning light state
It is practical to send data in this format to configurable dataloggers, instruments, dash.
- For example ERRORS high-byte bit6 is Launch activation
Note : VEMS also supports AIM via serial, via 1st or 2nd RS232 port; it has similar datarate as via CAN, and practical to broadcast to an arbitrary number of receivers, see: