AFreshTiny (2006-03-16 04:43:08)

The AfreshTiny is the working name for our round 52mm WBo2 meter.

Same circuit can also be used for other functions, see AfreshTiny/OtherUses

There is a two board version that probably won't be manufactured.

The single board AfreshMicro will replace it:


See VemsFrontier/OpaSelection

To allow plugnplay calibration with the Rcal there are 2 options:


unlocked afreshmicro_r021_kh

made Gerbers



.stc==top mask

.sts==bottom mask

.drd==drill file

.dri==drill info file

.drl==drill tool rack


'' use long headers that go past the epoxy layer

Cast the flying lead into the epoxy.

Use female headers.''


Already installed.


LED power input protection:

Input from user

many devices rely upon some magic:

Which ones do we need:

more? Note the significant amplitude difference between the scales.

How do we change filter frequency for vout? (elaborate, please: why do we need to change ? )

It's important when using it with other aftermarket systems, sometimes you want it almost unfiltered and sometimes you want it as slow as 1Hz.

3x7 segment LED display

if possible, choose from:

common anode is more common.

I ordered some 3x7 segment LED display samples from my local dealer:

For the LED display I think that we should stay with hole mount since this allow us to fit components under the LED. On the other hand the SMD display won't waste space on the bottom of the board. The 14mm display look compatible with the one I have used for the board. -Jörgen

Available colors:

Red, yellow, green, Superbright red.

fuse would be nice:

However this fuseholder prevents us from making the whole unit in a size of 17mm tall, 52 mm diameter "cake".


see digikey 300-8096-1-nd $1.20 SMD 6x3.3 1.2 tall

This is a model of the new enclosure:


What would be the price for complete assembled unit?

Both would have flying loom and connector