AFreshTiny (2015-01-01 07:00:00)

Smart-Round-Dual was the


The manufactured version:


Firmware features

Since this is ment as an easy-to-use device, first only very few features are supported.

Some pins suggest boostcontrol function. Note that (although possible, the hardware supports it at the same time as WBO2 and EGT) there is no boostcontrol firmware code for it now.

RPM input (VR or HALL, several trigger-types) will be supported in firmware later (currently not), eg.

RPM is scheduled to be available in firmware in 1 month. I recommend to wait if you don't need the unit right now and know you'll need RPM ( though it should be a firmware-only change, the input voltage levels will be calibrated later in production making it easier to use )



RS232 (standard DSUB9 female, pin2,3,5)

Main connector - DSUB15 male. Note that the (now standard) flying loom version has the WBO2 pins on the WBO2 connector, so those 5 pins (pin 2,3,4,5 and 7) of the DSUB15 are NOT connected:


'Q' Which pin is the NBO2 output?

'A' Pin#1, Vout is the nbo2 voltage output (signal+ output), pin#9 Vout-gndref volt out - signal (connect to GND).


The flying loom version allows mounting even with the tightest available space:


U-bracket mounting bracket:


This really is a professional product, now we need to get the marketing name right...


OLD stuff ... TODO: cleanup

The AfreshTiny was the working name for our first round 52mm WBo2 meter design.

Same circuit can also be used for other functions, see AfreshTiny/OtherUses

Input from user

Which ones do we need ? HW output (high vout resolution) allows either:

Linear WBO2 lambda output vout_conf set to 0x20 (=decimal 32 if set in MegaTune) or higher (0x33, 0x66 or 0x99 for 1V/lambda, 2V/lambda or 3V/lambda, respectively)

Useful with ECU-s that has no embedded WBO2 controller, but can accept linear WBO2 signal! Also useful if the other ECU has real WBO2 input but you don't want to use 2 WBO2 sensor.

This was tried with 3V/lambda wired in (connected to a motec).

0V (well, say < 0.2V) used for unknown (eg. sensor not heated yet)

NBO2 - implemented


Note: besides the vout curve, the vout filter frequency would be nice if adjustable (when using it with other aftermarket systems, sometimes you want it almost unfiltered and sometimes you want it as slow as 1Hz.)

Firmware upgrade - experimental release

Please report any roundloader.exe problem (it seems fine, so success need not be reported from now)

The oldschool method: Works (similar to BootLoader) with new (included in the zip) version (PERL and serialport module required). only recommended on linux, or if roundloader does not work for some reason. Ask for a linux roundloader native executable if you need it. (see the beta release below that has the same files included, along with other useful stuff such as megatune!)

Since the new firmware has many nice configurable features, unaware users can be tricked easily if not aware of the configuration. Damage to the controller device is extremely unlikely, but it's possible to damage the sensor with bad configuration.

Firmware upgrade does not change the factory configuration saved in EEPROM. Even if we add new variables to firmware, we keep the old variables in place. You can revert to default config (wbo2, EGT, etc...) if you write 00 or 255 into wbo2_pump_pw_zero, save and reboot. However, that should not be necessary. It reverts to wbo2_pump_pw_zero=0x65 and egt_offset=0xC0 so you might want to adjust pump_pw_zero (best values vary from 0x62..0x68 for a certain controller) and egt_offset (easy, looking at the temp, especially if the sensor is room-temp or an alligator clip is used on the EGT terminals)

Other beta software

RPM and wheelspeed input

Devices shipped after 2006 March have the RPM input HW tested. (it's implemented from the start, but earlier it wasn't part of the testing.)

Beware that using the RPM input might require input voltage threshold adjustment with a simple pullup / pulldown resistor in some cases, depending on input voltage level. It is easy, but not plugandplay in all cases.

RPM input HW:

rpm_input measures 5V if left open

rpm_gndref to adjust voltage threshold with pullup/pulldown resistor

RPM input config ("RPM settings" in megatune)

The precision is 1 RPM. Note that display from 230 .. 15999 is possible. Above 9999 the first digit is hexa, so

For wheelspeed input,

To support 1 pulse per cam-rotation: experimental [doubleRPM-firmware]

I need ASAP the following settings for Round


This is a customer request,his external datalogger work with these settings.Please make it ASAP.My advice is _ make a custom pfree programmable output for this,just like innovate did,so every user can program his own desired linear characteristics.

The other way around would make much more sense:

and output sampling rate,

free programmable WOULD BE grat,

but i need 5 sample/sec

and 3 sample/sec.

4 samples / sec is OK ? Why is higher rate (that follows lambda more promptly) a problem ?Too much unusable data on datalogging,btw its a customer request.

"OK,lets try 4sample/sec.Is this the factory default sampling rate,or do i have to set it somewhere?"

Guide development here:

Readme has been updated to reflect conversations on IRC.

We still need more information regarding wiring and configuration of the Round.

Most people want Tacho input for RPM.

A 'consumer grade' download for Windows users is in development here:

I need to disable a few of the critical Wideband configuration settings.

RPM tricks

The sensing voltage-level-threshold is adjusted with RPM-gndref pulldown/pullup resistor (yes, soldered; not configurable in software) value. Depending on the input signal specs, you might not need to connect RPM-gndref at all (eg. for 5..10V amplitude AC signal). The round device will not be harmed if you first try with RPM-gndref not connected.

First measure DC voltage on the output RPM signal (that you want to measure) when connected to nothing, but engine running.

Measure DC voltage

RPM gauge range (max RPM) can be increased in round.ini file, change the line:\nÿ1ÿ

or whatever max RPM you find appropriate if 11000 is not enough. The last values are responsible for the color-"alarms".