History of WideBand/UnderDevelopment
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2006-03-16 04:43:08 . . . . MembersPage/MarcellGal [linked logs with a series of PID params]
2006-03-16 04:43:08 . . . . MembersPage/MarcellGal [linked logs]
2006-03-16 04:43:08 . . . . MembersPage/JasonRussell [Added new WBO2log graphs]

Changes by last author:

Check out the new WideBand/StandAlone we are working on.

Note: the most recent WBO2 hardware lives in GenBoard/VerThree/Schematic.

WBO2 hardware lives in GenBoard/VerThree/Schematic.

The WideBand O2 is implemented in the genboard firmware.


PID tuning

There are several types of similar sensors. They might require different PID parameters for optimal operation. Note that even the good-old LSU4 is not finetuned. It's tuned reasonably, and operates well, but verification and finetune wouldn't hurt.

The logs in [LSU4 PID logs] was taken with LSU4 sensor, and slightly improved wbo2 implementation being ported to GenBoard/VerThree soon.

If someone can plot, analize and suggest which seem to be best (eg. lowest fluctuation of the command signals, whatever....), that would be awesome.

The WideBand O2 is implemented in the genboard firmware, see wbo2.c. Only some ifdef-s enable the WBO2 and pin definitions live in wbo2.h.
mail from MembersPage/JörgenKarlsson that boosted the WideBand development on the summer of 2003
mail from MembersPage/JorgenKarlsson that boosted the WideBand development on the summer of 2003