Changes by last author:
** DualWidebandCalibration
* GenBoard/Manual/Config/WidebandDefaultConfig (geek config, usually not necessary, but might be useful as verification in case of deep debugging) * [LCD page7] can be watched from terminal. Ri is not very stable, changing, that is normal ** eg. Ri= 00A0..00C0..0120 values; 0000 or very low values, under 0080 are suspicios... 100 Ohm resistor between pump- and nernst, and another 100 Ohm resistor between nernst and pump+ can be used to test the harness and the mainboard WBO2 circuitry (without a sensor that is expensive, fragile, and often in unknown condition when diagnosing the system is needed) ** [geek LCD commands] from keyboard or serial port (rarely needed but sometimes useful) |