Changes by last author:
File-name rules - mainly for SubVersionSvn
Please refrain from the following characters in file and directory names. * space (note that - and _ are fine) * ; or : (yes, apparently ":" confuses windows) * \ (backslash) * / (slash) * \r \n and alike * parantheses, brackets, etc../ ** () ** [] ** {} * wildcards ** * ** ? * other non-welcome characters ** kanji ** kathakana ** hiraghana ** non-ASCII characters (like East/Western European umlauts, accents, eg. Hungarian ö ü õ û ) Do NOT commit files/dirs (in same directory) with case-change only, like "Jtag" and "JTAG". On broken (windows) systems these collide. This applies to * SVN * released stuff * other VEMS team communication notes' * Usernames are even stricter. Eg. jorgen is used for Jörgen. * The file content can contain these characters when necessary. Try to use image files compressed to reasonable size and quality. * appr 500 kbyte for master images (usually only used as a base for smaller reworked images) * appr. 10..100 kbyte for wiki and webshop images * for drawings, it's recommended to clamp the background (paper) color to white (instead of a noisy 245..255 background) with a reasonable monotonous curve (Gimp, tools, color tools, curves) ---- If accented character is commited to SVN <code> $ svn update svn: Can't recode string $ export LC_CTYPE=hu_HU </code> Setting LC_CTYPE reasonably (eg to hu_HU or de_DE seems to fix this). Than the svn rename can be commited ASAP. |