History of SubVersionSVN
Older Newer
2011-03-09 13:30:55 . . . . 53d83a6e.adsl.enternet.hu [emphasized graduality]
2007-03-18 11:07:47 . . . . MembersPage/MarcellGal [details on how plans to be laid]
2007-03-10 09:58:06 . . . . MembersPage/MarcellGal [svn DNS entry fixed, removed notice]
2007-03-03 18:41:23 . . . . 3e70c845.adsl.enternet.hu [note about SVN DNS entry]
2007-01-28 17:57:22 . . . . cpe-66-25-142-47.austin.res.rr.com [removed question about marcell's email]
2007-01-27 13:52:01 . . . . MembersPage/MarcellGal [how to write message]
2007-01-27 09:31:02 . . . . cpe-66-25-142-47.austin.res.rr.com [what is marcell's email?]
2007-01-09 23:39:36 . . . . block.ices.utexas.edu [marcell's email address]
2006-10-13 18:54:42 . . . . MembersPage/MarcellGal [kdesvn and esvn note]
2006-10-13 18:42:29 . . . . MembersPage/MarcellGal [kdesvn note]
2006-10-10 00:50:48 . . . . MembersPage/MarcellGal [minor cleanup]
2005-12-04 17:35:54 . . . . MembersPage/MarcellGal [how to report SVN]
2005-12-03 03:48:20 . . . . MembersPage/MarcellGal [try browser, https when problem]
2005-10-09 08:54:23 . . . . MembersPage/MarcellGal [command line SVN might be needed if tortoiseSVN aint support svn copy]
2005-09-25 11:02:15 . . . . MembersPage/MarcellGal [svn authorization: svn update just the subdirs you need]
2005-08-23 14:46:43 . . . . MembersPage/MarcellGal [linked DirFileNameRules]
2005-08-04 08:49:40 . . . . MembersPage/MarcellGal [htpasswd cgi via https]
2005-08-02 10:49:11 . . . . MembersPage/MarcellGal [htpasswd CGI]
2005-08-02 07:45:59 . . . . host81-136-192-103.in-addr.btopenworld.com
2005-08-02 06:30:41 . . . . MembersPage/MarcellGal [password syntax problem. What works and what not]
2005-08-01 08:13:45 . . . . MembersPage/MarcellGal [linked windows version of htpasswd]
2005-08-01 08:01:08 . . . . dial81-135-171-75.in-addr.btopenworld.com
2005-08-01 07:58:29 . . . . MembersPage/MarcellGal [htpasswd win32 version needed]
2005-07-18 11:15:50 . . . . MembersPage/MarcellGal [note about tunnel]
2005-07-18 10:45:08 . . . . MembersPage/MarcellGal [note about firmware and how to apply]
2005-07-05 09:41:36 . . . . MembersPage/MarcellGal [SVN basics]

Changes by last author:

* usually new developers are first involved in new projects, and negotiate some interface for the new developments. New code is audited and integrated by existing developers. Later well cooperating developers can get more involved in the project.
* usually new developers are first involved in new projects, and negotiate some interface for the new developments. New code is audited and integrated by existing developers. Later well cooperating developers can get more involved in the project.

* the detailed plans are necessary so the team can cooperate with the applicant to sort the necessary files/functions for which access is needed for the given task.

** The development team attempts to cooperate. Access to the chosen functions is granted after the development team decides that cooperation is likely to work out.

** [htpasswds CGI via https]

** or [htpasswd cgi via http] - only as very last chance !!! Not a secure (or recommended) way, but anyone on win32 has probably waived bye to security a long ago anyway. Still better than sending cleartext pwd in email (email is logged by too many paries)

** [htpasswds CGI via https] (out of order now).

** Do not send cleartext pwd in email (email is logged by too many parties)