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[ser2net] is a TCP listener server, that allows remote connection to serial port.
Since about 2012: some 3 .. 5W "SBC"-s can run (protected OS like Linux + TCP stack ) + ser2net ---- Orange PI PC (Plus (2) / Lite / Zero / Raspberry PI) to listen on TCP port 9001 Debian or Ubuntu commands, same on x86 or x86_64 notebooks * USB-RS232 is /dev/ttyUSB0 * internal serial is sg like /dev/ttyS0 or /dev/ttyAMA0 (??) but kernel serial console might be in the way (and RS232-serial to TTL-serial adapter is needed, of course) <code> sudo bash (or acquire root privilege some suitable way) apt-get install ser2net echo '9001:raw:600:/dev/ttyUSB0:19200 8DATABITS NONE 1STOPBIT'>>/etc/ser2net.conf /etc/init.d/ser2net restart </code> should be similar for gentoo or other distro. Min 1.08 GHz, quadcore not necessary to tunnel TCP-serial data, but recommended for audio and video capturing/streaming and other usecases. ---- See |