History of MembersPage/YellowWhiteAudi/CylOutputs
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2007-11-30 14:33:51 . . . . MembersPage/MarcellGal [outputs]

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injector, ignition output Subpage of MembersPage/YellowWhiteAudi

Injector outputs

Fire order (1,2,4,5,3), read from bottom to top:

* cyl v3harness-color label(not inj-channel name!) injmask

* cyl5 orange E EC36/19 2

* cyl4 brown D EC36/8 4

* cyl2 grey B EC36/18 32

* cyl1 purple A EC36/6 64

* cyl3 white C EC36/20 8


* 6th injoutput (labelled H), useful for boost or iac: EC36/7 mask=128

* Fuel pump, see MembersPage/YellowWhiteAudi


Ignition outputs:

* ignch3 (EC36/36) green

* ignch2 (EC36/34) orange

ign_dualout is enabled, with ignch3 selected. So both outputs are used to drive the _same_ coil (as it's distributer now).

Other, IGBT ign outputs not currently used:

* ignch1

* ignch0

* ignch7

* ignch6