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This is an 1.6L 8 valve Lada engine with agressive cam and ITB-s.
---- trigger * primary trigger: VR 60-1 ** IIRC cyl1,4 TDC is 15 (or 13?) tooth after the first tooth after missing tooth. (that is 7 tooth + ign_tdcdelay=50 degrees). * secondary trigger: disabled ---- ignition outputs OLD - (régi) Originally ignition was running with 4 * [ VAG COP''' * 1,4 and 2,3 wired parallel physically (this is a bad idea, no reason for it). This COP ignition coil has logic-level input with stupid low impedance. The i259 logic-level output can drive one, but we heard rumours that spark is weaker (that shouldn't be the case: either it triggers or not). With 2 COP inputs connected in parallel it didn't fire at all. The car started with a modified (hacked) firmware that always uses S259 (stepper outputs) for spark. New firmware has this selectable (i259 or S259). * EC36pin10 Stepper-B S259_ch4 * EC36pin11 Stepper-D S259_ch6 So ignition sequence was: 4,6,4,6 (or maybe 6,4,6,4 ?) GenBoard/Manual/DigitalOut/Table The 2,3 ignition was somehow weak (wet sparkplug). The scope showed signal timing was fine, but one of the stepper-outputs amplitude was smaller - this is weird. New wiring - (ez az érvényes) The ignition was changed to a VW/Skoda logiclevel wasted-spark module that worked extremely well on MembersPage/BmwVenesz; * EC36pin35 ignition ch0 cyl1,4 * EC36pin36 ignition ch3 cyl2,3 After uploading vanilla 1.0.54 with upload_firmware.bat, ignition sequence must be changed to 0,3,0,3 (or maybe 3,0,3,0 ?) No other changes should be necessary. - Ezen kívül mást elvileg nem kell beállítani Check these, and if it does not start, do dumps in TerminalProgram 9600,8n1 (Ha nem megy, akkor terminálban dump-okd ki, és küldd el marcellnek vagy ide tedd fel) * Manmcdmct * zip the file, upload to file area (DocsPage bottom) * and review and correct setup (on this page) |