History of MembersPage/PappIstvan
Older Newer
2010-10-14 09:15:20 . . . . PappIstvan [wiring]
2010-08-06 09:37:13 . . . . PappIstvan [static speed]
2010-08-06 09:33:08 . . . . PappIstvan [static speed]
2010-07-19 19:30:09 . . . . PappIstvan [no problem]
2010-07-19 12:57:12 . . . . cerberus.iqsys.hu [Working M44 config and suggestions]
2010-07-18 21:20:25 . . . . PappIstvan [lumpy]
2010-07-18 09:41:49 . . . . PappIstvan [config]
2010-07-17 12:26:53 . . . . PappIstvan [engine is running]
2010-07-17 09:24:00 . . . . PappIstvan [start]
2010-07-16 21:09:25 . . . . 90.0fec54.tvnetwork.hu [trigger]
2010-07-16 20:59:35 . . . . MembersPage/MarcellGal [revers polarity VR (with better formatting)]
2010-07-16 20:48:47 . . . . 3e44bcec.adsl.enternet.hu [triggerlog seems reversed polarity]
2010-07-16 20:24:05 . . . . 3e44bcec.adsl.enternet.hu [triggerlog notes]
2010-07-16 20:03:35 . . . . PappIstvan [trigger problem]
2010-07-11 10:34:45 . . . . [p259 suspect]
2010-07-10 17:23:45 . . . . PappIstvan [318is primary trigger]
2010-07-10 17:14:37 . . . . 3e44bcec.adsl.enternet.hu [pappistvan]

Changes by last author:


We have find the problem, the MAP sensors connection was in wrong place on the intake manifold(too close to the 4. cylinder), and the MAP signal was instable.


I have uploaded the new config. the question is, the primary triggers config is correct? i have problem, in static speed (60km/h and 110km/h) the engines running is a little bit lumpy, and the full chassis shaking, when i give more fuel, the problem ending, but i have 0.86-0.98 lambda, (when the engines running is lumpy, the injection time end the sparking time dont variating (static))


