Changes by last author:
I tried to solve the idle lambda issue and check everything and switched the trigger log on, and found that the signal was missing randomly but the engine run stable but it was heard the ignition was missing. The can sensor cable was checked and worked fine. |
I tried to solve the idle lambda issue and check everything and switched the trigger log on, and found that the signal was missing randomly but the engine run stable but it was heard the ignition was missing. The cam sensor cable was checked and worked fine. |
I've change the baud rate but no difference and cable signal was check by oscilloscope and it's fine. |
I've change the baud rate but no difference and cable signal was check by oscilloscope and it's fine. |
* split to MembersPage/MnrVortx/TriggerInputs (required for support, because this page has too much unrelated info) * ECU serialnr * ECU sectrig input pin (EC36/13 ?), and input type VR or HALL (HALL ?) ? Since inputs are tested before ECU is sent out, this is always the first suspect. ** voltage measured with known resistor, eg. 1k pulldown to GND ? (1.35V ???) |