History of MembersPage/MattiasSandgren/ToyotaTrigger
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2012-06-20 14:20:42 . . . . adsl177-126.pool.businesstel.hu [VR note]
2012-06-20 02:28:22 . . . . MembersPage/MattiasSandgren [Toyota 24+1/VR+VR driven by cam]

Changes by last author:


When cutting teeth from such wheel, the tooth amplitude around the cut wheel becomes higher.

* It becomes difficult to get that setup right: R181 and R182 adaptive hysteresys threshold adjustment might become necessary. (or without adaptive hysteresys, noise becomes an issue at cranking)

* Cutting 2 opposite teeth is a bad idea

** cutting only 1 tooth or 2 neighbor teeth allows FULL sync when mounted on the cam

Fero usually asks standard v3 trigger-hw setup for 24+1:

* primtrig=VR (18k pullup to +5V)

* sectrig=VR

** by default 1k pulldown and pin5=5V

** sometimes asks with 18k pullup (to +5V), pin5=open