Changes by last author:
Thematical template: cleanup this page by moving info to related page * MembersPage/KEFOMotoStudent/FuelInjector * MembersPage/KEFOMotoStudent/IgnitionCoil * MembersPage/KEFOMotoStudent/TriggerSetup * MembersPage/KEFOMotoStudent/SensorInputs * ... Overview and some other info will remain on this page. ---- Injector settings Keihin 0660 52219 FBBJF Still no fuel flowrate info ?? * divider=2 * injectors = 4 (2*4 = 8 => seems bad !) means you inject every 8th event (*next trigger tooth=3); every 4th crankrot, that CANNOT BE right ! The multiple should be 4 (or 2, depending on how you tuned earlier): * divider = 1 * injectors = 4 means you inject every 4th event, every 2nd crankrot (usual practice, but maybe not in this case) * divider = 1 * injectors = 2 means you inject every 2nd event, once every crankrot (was tuned with inj every crankrot if I understood on phone) ---- Thematical = good; Chronological = bad Despite large amount of work building the vehicle... Some factors contributing to last hour mess, and missing the race by a few minutes: * neglecting advice (use HALL for custom wheel, not VR) * bad design decisions (tooth glued on) * Not taking the requested measurements + report in thematical format * skipping validate, and consultation in advance * no measurement tools on raceday (no strobe, no scope) * Wonderfully managed to fix the ghost VR pulses with 2k pullup to 5V, even if blind * but during reconfiguration to 6-1 => prolly misconfigured divider=2 injectors=4 to inject every 4th crankrot ... (instead of every crankrot as initially tuned) ** was close |