History of MembersPage/JanSaenen/Vapourised
Older Newer
2006-02-25 09:02:24 . . . . MembersPage/MarcellGal [not gas, but boiling liquid]
2006-02-24 17:31:06 . . . . vhe-370017.sshn.net [Can't solve the problem on my own.]
2006-02-23 01:33:53 . . . . MembersPage/MarcellGal [gas law and liquid flowrate note]
2006-02-22 18:26:30 . . . . vhe-370017.sshn.net [again some changes]
2006-02-22 17:14:18 . . . . vhe-370017.sshn.net [lot's of news]
2006-02-22 17:12:05 . . . . vhe-370017.sshn.net [lot's of changes]
2006-02-22 17:10:28 . . . . vhe-370017.sshn.net
2006-02-22 04:37:40 . . . . vhe-370017.sshn.net [Added graphs and more info]
2006-02-22 04:33:06 . . . . vhe-370017.sshn.net [added more info again]
2006-02-22 03:47:07 . . . . vhe-370017.sshn.net [added some new info and questions]
2006-02-22 02:34:35 . . . . MembersPage/MarcelBlokpoel
2006-02-21 05:40:20 . . . . vhe-370017.sshn.net [add some new info :)]
2006-02-21 05:39:32 . . . . vhe-370017.sshn.net
2006-02-21 02:29:56 . . . . MembersPage/MarcellGal [LPG hints]
2006-02-20 18:29:44 . . . . [Replied to answers about vapourised injection with the genboard.]
2006-02-17 19:58:37 . . . . cp307071-a.mill1.nb.home.nl
2006-02-17 19:58:13 . . . . cp307071-a.mill1.nb.home.nl

Changes by last author:

Why do you want the formula to match ?

In the tank, you have boiling liquid (not simply gas). Pretty much the same way as in your coolant system >100C. It self regulates itself;

* some liquid will be boiled

* pressure in the closed system raises

* until it reaches high enough pressure so more liquid will not boil

** this pressure depends on temperature - see measured curves

So the graphs are the boiling point at certain pressures. (shown rotated 90 degrees compared to traditional representation: pressure for certain temp, instead of temp for certain pressure)

If you have numeric representation of the tables, we can make an approximating formula, from a reasonable function

* using x, x*2 and 1/x and constants, for example.

** propertherm has some simulated annealing functions that we could use, or

** the simplest way is probably to use octave.org, see below

* Or we just make a table lookup.

Example for octave.org function to fit a parametric curves on numeric data stored in "transferfunc.dat" file columns 1:2 :


f(x) = a*x*x*x + b*x*x + c*x + d + e/x)

fit f(x) "transferfunc.dat" using 1:2 via a, b, c, d, e

plot "transferfunc.dat" using 1:2 with points 6, f(x)


Same graph for butane-n:
Same graph for butane-n. No surprise that boiling point for certain pressure is higher than for propane (tends to stay in liquid for higher temp, since the butane molecules are longer):