Changes by last author:
MAP-target config - not yet verified !!!!!!!! |
MAP-target config - somewhat OLD text (was written with experimental firmware a long time ago) |
We use a firmware, where MY_CONF += -D KPA_CONFIG_RESOLUTION=1 which means 1kPa unit for MAP (kPa related variables, eg. fuelcut_max_kpa or misc1out_minmap). |
* the boost_targetoffs is in 2kPa unit
* the b[] is also 2kPa unit (with MAP-target). ** This was different at the pre0.0.0 version tried on this car ** note that boost-target table unit is always 2kPa regadless of kpa_conf (that effects most kPa related variables, notably k[] table and kPa thresholds: 1kPa for normal boost and 2kPa unit for high-boost setup). The b[] is always in 2kPa unit (unless the installer intentionnally cheats with kpafac to have a fake MAP reading so higher than 512 kPa can be controlled - we can rule this out). ** the config.boost_minpressure is also always 2kPa unit, regardless of kpa_conf |
However, the b[] and boost_targetoffs are not in 1kPa unit.
We expected 2 kPa unit, that assumption was wrong. With sufficiently low PID (eg. all 0) * with boost_minpressure=5A the valve prelled * with boost_minpressure=5B the valve did not prell !! This 90..91 value ment 101kPA (engine off). This is MAP-sensor dependent (we used a 250kPa sensor). Note that b[] has the same unit (1.12kPa in our case). This will be improved in 1.0.17 (a 1-liner), so the unit is fixed, MAP-sensor independent. So for 150 kPa we had to use appr. 0x86 in the b[] table. With the small turbo, at RPM=2500..2800 the pressure built up very fast, overshoot was almost impossible to keep <10kPa (with fast pressure buildup at other places). So we slightly decreased the b[] for that RPM. |
With the small turbo, at RPM=2500..2800 the pressure built up very fast, overshoot was almost impossible to keep <10kPa (with fast pressure buildup at other places). So we slightly decreased the b[] for that RPM. |
# unit is 2kPa, targe
b[0]=70 78 80 88 8C 8F 8F 8F 8F 8F 8F 8F # appr 160kPa |
# unit is 2kPa, target
b[0]=40 48 4C 50 52 51 50 4F 4E 49 47 45 # appr 0x50=decimal 80= 160kPa |