History of MembersPage/FaragoLada
Older Newer
2023-05-19 20:26:35 . . . . 84-236-90-238.pool.digikabel.hu [reconfigured]
2023-05-16 23:27:28 . . . . 84-236-90-238.pool.digikabel.hu [12-2]
2023-05-16 09:41:47 . . . . 84-236-90-238.pool.digikabel.hu [pullup]
2023-05-16 09:30:10 . . . . 84-236-90-238.pool.digikabel.hu [formatting]
2023-05-15 16:44:51 . . . . apn-89-223-237-195.vodafone.hu [pin out]
2023-05-15 16:25:40 . . . . apn-89-223-237-195.vodafone.hu [folyt]
2023-05-15 16:08:31 . . . . 84-236-90-238.pool.digikabel.hu [Lada]

Changes by last author:

4 cyl Lada
4 cyl Lada firindg order 1342 wasted spark ignition only, no injection - carburated

Many free injector outputs, it is recommended to use inj-H for tach-out (no pullup resistor needed, this should be verified)

* HALL primtrig

** 12-2 pattern

* no camsync

fw version?

ec36 pin
ec36 pin
1 pin kek tps in
1 pin kek TPS in
4 pin sarga tach out

5 pin fekete gnd

4 pin sarga WAS: tach out (not any longer! might be damaged)

5 pin fekete GND

14 pin kek/fek clt in

21 pin fekete gnd

22 pin fekete gnd

23 pin sarga/piros +15 es coil+

14 pin kek/fek CLT in

17 pin ... TACH out

21 pin fekete GND

22 pin fekete GND

23 pin sarga/piros +15 es 12V (coil+ side of 20A fuse)

26 pin barna szenzor gnd

27 pin feher hall in

28 pin piros dsub 9 pin

26 pin barna szenzor GND

27 pin feher HALL in

28 pin +5V piros dsub9 / pin9

32 pin fekete gnd
32 pin fekete GND
econ 18 pin
econ 18 pin
* LADA (non-factory): Barrel metal housing analog Tach display with shiftlight (DIY internals probably)

* Dash-2 digital LCD tach display

** same symptom: after about a minute the TACH reading goes from normal reading to 0 gradually... (not abruptly).