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After upgrading to 14x16 firmware and setting all the tables, my VEMS crashes after about 5 minutes running. When the engine is not running, the VEMS does not crash |
After upgrading to 16x14 firmware and setting all the tables, my VEMS crashes after about 5 minutes running. When the engine is not running, the VEMS does not crash |
There is no such known problem.
Some windows-USB-serial adapter driver combinations can sometimes crash MT (so that windows reboot needed) if ochblocksize=62 ('D' command) but they usually work with ochblocksize=56 ('A' command). Controller does not crash though. Maybe this behaviour is somehow special to your configuration. * publish mcd * mct * firmware version * captured log before the crash. Can you reproduce on the bench, with same trigger pattern played from soundcard ? ** maybe you have access to another controller (different HW, with same fw+mcd+mct) |