Changes by last author:
* 2k4 * 220nF = 528 usec time constant (but freq signal can be sensed at partial amplitude, not a sharp filter)
** but it used to be 4k7 * 220nF earlier (that filter definitely won't work for such high-freq signal without a divider: freq >3 times the recommendation) |
Which components to change? Or is it software related? |
Which components to change?
* 220nF to 100 nF Or is it software related? * Even if firmware can handle higher frequency, [Recommendation] is divider for more than 10 pulses per wheel rotation (== 354 Hz @255 km/h). ** HALL signal can also be divided by 4 or 8 (elimination of the VR-input conditioning part of the small circuit by disconnecting LM1815's output). |
* Ive also tried Divider 3 and 218 pulses / 100kmh. Much better at low speeds but didnt make any difference to the problem |
* Ive also tried Divider 3 and 218 pulses / 100kmh. Much better at low speeds but didnt make any difference to the problem |