History of MarteleurTim/Widebandcalibration
Older Newer
2006-05-11 04:51:58 . . . . MembersPage/MarcellGal [apply wbo2_nernstdc_target=89]
2006-05-05 13:12:17 . . . . MembersPage/MarteleurTim [config printed by the bat.files]
2006-05-04 18:24:20 . . . . MembersPage/MarcellGal [verify values in mcd dump]
2006-05-02 20:38:34 . . . . MembersPage/MarteleurTim [answers to Marcell]
2006-05-02 17:02:33 . . . . MembersPage/MarcellGal [0.45 V questions]
2006-05-01 20:59:30 . . . . MembersPage/MarteleurTim [wbo2 calibration problem]
2006-05-01 20:02:33 . . . . MembersPage/MarteleurTim [wbo2 calibration problem]

Changes by last author:

*with wbo2 disconnected I've put 2 100 Ohm resistors between pin 1-6 and pin 1-5, I enabled wbo2 heater and waited till the W changed into a P on page mlp07 but no O2 reading showed! Then I measured with DVM across ground and pin1 = 4,57V. Because it should be around 4.41V I changed wbo2_nernst_dc_target=9C into 99 and restarted the board but nothing changed(still 4.57V)?
*with wbo2 disconnected I've put 2 100 Ohm resistors between pin 1-6 and pin 1-5, I enabled wbo2 heater and waited till the W changed into a P on page mlp07 but no O2 reading showed! Then I measured with DVM across ground and pin1 = 4,57V. Because it should be around 4.41V

** I changed wbo2_nernst_dc_target=9C into 99 (maybe forgot to save values? "burn to flash", eg in the VE tuning table) and restarted the board but nothing changed (still 4.57V)?


batt_cal=A5 is the battery voltage calibrated ? (see LCD after mlp06, or MegaTune)

wbo2_nernstdc_target=9C oops... 0x89 is the right value (don't forget to save, reboot and check this value after reboot to be sure) if you have the AREF(=256) , see BuildProcedures/SectionThree