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Do the Subaru H6 engines use HALL,HALL,HALL position sensors ?
* from below ("capturing with both polarity") => indicates HALL,HALL,HALL * A guy from Latvia is ordering some (bare mainboard) for Subaru H6; Without good instructions (no wiki page unfortunately), but he seems to suggest 4*VR sensor inputs... is that reasonable for H6 ? (actually, he says "Subaru 6h", but that might be a typo) ** 4*VR would be good for SubaruEj (where the pictures and scopeshots clearly confirm VR sensor), but perhaps VR interfaces not needed for H6 (HALL is simpler, just some filtering and protection) ** any photo of the H6 wheel (or scopeshot) ? ---- |
* vvt subarus have two cam inputs |
* vvt subarus have two cam HALL inputs |