Changes by last author:
* Tried board in another engine and it idles now |
* it runs now!
** Plug and Play to motronic connector, but 3 small wires still needed to G4 (crank home) connector in firewall * There was some problem with trigger signals for a while, and after I realised the problem it was very obvious why it wasn't working properly. |
*** 5 leds are connected to ign channels, and last two in firing order are not flashing.
*** A snippet from mdd04 log: first PPPPP\n for some time and when touching gas pedal and it changes to PPPPP\nPPPP\n\nPPPPP\nPPPP\n\nPPPPP\nPPPP\n\n *** in the sectrig VR-signal there was a very little positive bump between real signals (~0.5v max or maybe even smaller) *** VR-cables have 2 signal wires + shield around. Shield is connected to ground pin in motronic connector and according to factory wiring chart it is connected to common grounding point in engine block and shared between every shielded cable *** Reason for all this was wrong polarity in sync VR-signal |
** 10k pullup in sectrig |
** 10k pullup in sectrig¨
* Tested today that motronic runs also with swapped home signal polarity |