History of GenBoard/Manual/PfetFlybackTesting
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2019-02-03 10:11:38 . . . . 85-238-85-40.pool.digikabel.hu [PFET output flyback test]

Changes by last author:


* (NFET, injector, ignition IGBT, ...) low-side output switches use common cathode flyback to +12V

* high-side (PFET) output switches use common anode flyback to GND

Tests before ECU powerup, retest after ANY change around the injectors or supply/GND:

With ECM connected, but output load (solenoid) NOT, measure the flyback integrity with DVM at the solenoid connector.

Low voltage flyback (almost always used, eg. for +4 PFETs) measures appr. 500..1500mV in DVM diode mode (with DVM+ red probe at GND). Very quick test, touch each PFET high-side switch output pin to verify, take note.

Test flyback path integrity for every high-side and low-side output that will (or might ever) be connected.


See also:

* GenBoard/Manual/Flyback/Testing