History of GenBoard/LoggerIntegration
Older Newer
2009-07-04 12:07:19 . . . . 3e44b057.adsl.enternet.hu [short header and note about the remaining]
2006-01-19 05:50:01 . . . . MembersPage/MarcellGal [minor change: emphasize MMC]
2005-06-17 22:22:05 . . . . MembersPage/RichardBarrington [Added a page for specs for a stand alone MMC logger]
2005-04-15 19:35:17 . . . . CsabaPataki [linked LogAnalysis]
2005-04-15 19:32:11 . . . . CsabaPataki
2005-01-14 01:22:31 . . . . 222-152-184-131.jetstream.xtra.co.nz [Corrected incorrect page link.]

Changes by last author:

First there was RS232 (GenBoard/CommToPC and OnlineCourse/UartComm) and God saw that it was good.
First there was RS232 and God saw that it was good.
However racers (and others) like to log without carrying heavy equipments. So code should be written for small internal MMC (HW support has been there from little after the big bang).
Some racers (and others) like internal logging: GenBoard/LoggerIntegration/MMC without carrying notebook or fragile PdaCockpit.
Text below is developer discussion - and partially obsolete