History of GenBoard/InitialConfig
Older Newer
2005-08-15 09:36:01 . . . . MembersPage/MarcellGal [note about WinTools page]
2005-03-13 17:32:41 . . . . line-70-197.dial.freestart.hu [corrected manual references]

Changes by last author:


I was trying upload config.mtt with bray terminal and by mistake I've selected config.txt instead of config.mtt end send it to ms avr's eeprom and receved strange signs in terminal. Ather that I've uploaded config.mtt and everithing worked fine. Now I am wondering if config.txt that I have sent is going to make some trouble, do I need to erese my eeprom and upload config.mtt and tables again, and if I do how can I do that?


Verify if your flash is what you used to write in (vems.hex: bootloader prog.pl verifies it in a sec or or avrprog in a minute...). The problem is that if you happen to activate the bootloader (mcbffmcb) with the dummy strings you send to AVR, there is some chance you can hurt the flashcontent (atmel used very simple commands in the protocol...). The chance is very small, but still there. So verify. If you don't have the vems.hex, which you uploaded (you made another mistake there too, then!!) just upload a new.


How does this relate to UsabiLity/GenBoard/WinTools ?
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* NOT available

Anyone has source, binaries, docs, author contact, etc... for it?


Decimal numbers in tables.txt
