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IMPORTANT: enter the case-INsensitive alphabetic (no numbers) code AND WRITE SOME SHORT summary of changes (below) if you are saving changes. (not required for previewing changes). Wiki-spamming is not tolerated, will be removed, so it does NOT even show up in history. Spammers go away now. Visit Preferences to set your user name Summary of change: To show how effective a good log analysis package can be I made a short log in my car using the Autronic tuningsoftware, the tuning software, the calibration file and the log file is found here: http://www.vems.hu/files/JorgenKarlsson/CompAnalysis/Autronic_mixture_table_demo.zip Different systems are tuned differently, but this is how an autronic (motec use very similar analysis) is tuned efficiently: Open the tuningsoftware by clicking on ecucal.exe, accept the 'ecu not found' dialog by pressing 'ESC'. In the file dialog that pops up now browse to the ABZ.cal calfile and load it. BTW, don't touch the mouse, it's '''never''' used in the autronic tuning software. Now press 'ESC' to activate the dropdown menu (much like ALT but functionallity modified to work better in a moving car), use the arrow keys to navigate to 'Logger->Open Logged file' browse to the 'MED_LC1.dat' file and select it. You most likely have more then one tuning window open now, use TAB to select all but the logger window and use 'Q' to close them one by one. (Note how easy TAB,'Q' and 'ESC' are to operate.) In the Graph window you navigate the timeline with the left-right arrow keys and you change the timescale with the up-down arrowkeys. 'ESC' navigates the menu as usual, you now find most of the logger reated options in the 'Edit-Window' context menu. Now use the 'K' and 'L' keys to step to the 'Mixture-Table', when you are there press 'F5' to update it. Select 'filter out rates' with the arrow keys and the return key, choose '+/-250rpm/Sec' and press return again. Choose 'OK'. In the table which use the same loadsites as the VE table you now see some statistical information in each loadsite. They are also marked in different colors. Green means that it's tuned to 2%, yellow that it's within 5%, red that it's either an error or that it's far from target. IIRC they can also be blue, which means that you have locked them in the VE table. As you see 2000rpm/30kPa is a bit off. Use the arrow keys to go to it and press return. Press return again in the dialog that pops up to verify. Now step right to the 3000rpm/30kpa site and repeat the procedure. ''Take mental note of which loadsites you need more data for, you will need to know that when you make the next tuning run.'' Press 'L' to switch to the Mixture-Plot. Use the up-down arrow keys to switch between the plots for each load. This is useful for seeing how well you have held the load sites during the test run. Now press 'Q' and use 'ESC' and the arrow keys to go to the VE table in the 'M2' menu. You'll see that the changed sites are marked with an asterix and that there is a 'diff' reading shown at the top of the VE table when you highlight the changed sites. Note that no changes was made when in the VE table!!! The VE table is only edited when making the basic setup or when interpolating between loadsites. In the VE table, press 'G' to switch to graphical mode. The view can ve rotated with the K and L keys. Switch back to table mode by pressing 'G' again and try what happens if you highlight a loadsite and type a number. Also note how you 'paint' with the current value if you hold the 'SHIFT' key while navigating with the arrow keys. Optional: Add document to category: Wiki formatting: * is Bullet list ** Bullet list subentry ... '''Bold''', ---- is horizontal ruler, <code> preformatted text... </code> See wiki editing HELP for tables and other formatting tips and tricks.