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IMPORTANT: enter the case-INsensitive alphabetic (no numbers) code AND WRITE SOME SHORT summary of changes (below) if you are saving changes. (not required for previewing changes). Wiki-spamming is not tolerated, will be removed, so it does NOT even show up in history. Spammers go away now. Visit Preferences to set your user name Summary of change: I have a Volvo B230 4 cyl 8 valve engine with simple trigger: * Two teeth on crank at about 80 degrees before TDC * Camsync occuring at TDC. It takes "forever" to sync and sometimes fires up immediately, it never complains about trigger errors but one thing is clearly seen : * At first the status flag "Running" turns on/off and there is no rpm signal. * Then suddenly the "Cranking On" flag turns on and it starts and runs fine. Here is a firmware 1.2.11 vemslog of starting and running the engine. Notice the initial cranking with no rpm signal, then suddenly "cranking on" and it starts. * http://www.vems.hu/filethingie.php?action=list&subdir=MembersPage/MattiasSandgren/C004andCamSync If I run firmware pre 1.2.x it will sync and start immediately. * What can I do about improving this for 1.2.0+ firmware? * Are there any settings I have missed? I have tried this on a V8 with only 90 degrees between crank teeth, it was almost impossible to get it starting. Downgrade to 1.1.96 and it fires right up every time. Here is a typical cranking sequence, and clear to see seven (7) crank rotations before it syncs - with no fuel, so it didn't start, only for triggerlog cranking. http://www.vems.hu/files/MembersPage/MattiasSandgren/C004andCamSync/1.2.11-hard-to-sync.png Here are my basic settings, anything to be changed here? http://www.vems.hu/files/MembersPage/MattiasSandgren/C004andCamSync/1.2.11-hard-to-sync-settings.png Optional: Add document to category: Wiki formatting: * is Bullet list ** Bullet list subentry ... '''Bold''', ---- is horizontal ruler, <code> preformatted text... </code> See wiki editing HELP for tables and other formatting tips and tricks.