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Br, Laszlo mail : nospam_lacus007 at yahoo dot com nospam.laszlo.horvath at sanmina-sci dot com Skype : Bigface_S4 MembersPage/LaszloHorvath/Cars_pictures A useful graph : http://www.vems.hu/files/LaszloHorvath/labda_curve.jpg --- '''News''' There was false air suction between the engine valve's and the trottle valve >> workpoint of the VE table was always at higher load than it would without false air >> hight fuel consumption ! (under 100kPa MAP) Idle must be reprogrammed without false air as well << IAC controll makes the engine stall now >> vems not connected right now to IAC it works with the base position simply. --- '''Issues''' It will be fine but now I do have problems, so I will ask : '''starting''' * first of all, '''your warm cranking pulsewidth (cwh) is way too high'''. See MembersPage/MarcellGal/PowerAndTraction/FuelDelivery ... instead of 17 / 11 msec (warm/cold), try 17/6 msec. Yes, lowered already to 18/5 approx. Ok, I mean it takes "long" time from starting rotating the engine till I hear that "fuel starts to burn", from this point it gets alive fast. ** injector settings: fire all banks (batch mode) during cranking. This way appr 5/2 msec cranking cold/low pulsewidth should work, with more balanced fuel quantity in the cylinders. My 3B starts up in appr 3 crank rotations, that is reasonable * Engine stops 3 sec. after starting if I do not press the accelerator ** typically this means that afterstart enrichment is not good (and often warmup is not perfect either) ** take logs ! Upload to FileArea. OK, I will but there's no lambda feedback in the first minute which is the critical period. It takes 60 sec in my case for the WO2 to work. *** Man '''mde02 switches on the WBO2, even if engine is off''' (useful before starting, when tuning starting/warmup). See the terminal-section below for more details ---- '''ignition''' * how to know what to enter... ? I have to learn. ** see MegaTune help and tuning-guides ** read MembersPage/PhatBob/UserGuide L : Ohh yes, that's what I need! We will get the factory ignition map, it is not a disadvantage to know. BOSCH KTS will help in the worst case to log the motronic. WVTool does not log MAP, so result is unuseable. Does somebody know tha factory map ? rpm vs load (MAP) BOSCH KTS could not see the MAP, so still no available factory map. Ok, I could find info like this, RS2, but I can not make connection between "Load" and MAP that we need. http://www.vems.hu/files/LaszloHorvath/RS2_ignition_with_load.jpg http://www.vems.hu/files/LaszloHorvath/RS2_ignition_table.jpg * board computer : fuel consumption and boost display do not work yet ** we'll need some testing for this, to find out what voltage the trip computer needs. Hopefully the transmission speedometer signal on MembersPage/MarcellGal/PowerAndTraction/InputTrigger is fixed soon. But on the transmission, there are only 2pins in the 3-pin connector. Weird. There is a 3-pin connector in the area with brown-black middle pin (outer pins are gnd and +12V). We'll have to feed in some Pavarotti to see if the dash speedo needle dances. According to MembersPage/DaveHartnell the transmission-speedo signal wire color should be white. *** '''Let's take back motronic, and investigate the signal for board computer, fast and easy. ''' => for someone who has a working motronic ('''and''' unmodified induction, eg. MAF, and factory FPR and injectors). more question : How can I get to know the keyboard commands ? * see refcard on GenBoard/MenuSystem I have to switch on the fuel pump without running the engine. * disable the fuel pump output in MegaTune (otherwise it would automatically switch the pump off soon) * exit megatune (or use the communications/terminal inside megatune) * TerminalProgram 9600,8n1 ** type "Man" to go into manual mode, see mdv, mdV, mci, mll or mxc or mcd or something that outputs something fancy to see if your connection works * mdhd0 (switch on) * mdh50 (switch off) * type ''bye'' (or reboot) so MegaTune can connect again * after you are done, enable the fuel pump output in MegaTune (or best if you don't save it in the first place! That way a simple reboot works and restores operaiont) Fuel delivery system must be checked against leakage << too high fuel consumption despite of running well, smooth, with correct lambda values. Approx 15-16 l/100km ! Mainly on road, not in city, average speed 110 km/h. Too expensive... We smelled some gas and felt some liquid leak when we accidentally pushed some part of a fuel-hose. That might be it ? L: Yes, I remember, but that was obvious. If that would be the root cause, I should smell it during driving. If there is leakage it is somewhere back, near fuel pump ?! I must check L : I hope I can say : SOLVED !!! :) False air problem under the trottle valve, the T rubber had to be replaced >> with motronic 10l/100km fuel consumption, with VEMS : less than usual, I do not know tachometer died... But less than earlier. ---- '''Raised idle rpm for air-conditioner switch on''' We have to investigate this a bit further. The VEMS PNP box on your AAN definitely has the extra inputs necessary for this, but the connections and configuration needs some investigation. The factory ECU * received a "AC demand" signal from the dash * switched on the AC from an output, right ? ** Does the AC operate well ? If so, that this is probably not the case. ** Maybe there was a wired AND connection, so the ECU can pull down the signal (otherwise pulled up by the dash) and disable the AC. This would be a smart solution, because the ECU would see when there is AC operation, and could disable it as well, by only using one line (ECU pin). L : Yes, this is the situation as I remember from the doc of motronic PIN OUT. If the engine is warm, idleing, AC is switched on, the rpm decrases for a moment to 5-600, than it gets back to 850-900, ok. * In overrun condition, after pressing clutch (eg. to stop at redlight), with AC on, the engine stalls. ** we should definitely raise idle a bit if either the big coolant fan or the air conditioner is active (since the AC will turn on the big coolant fan, sensing the coolant fan should be enough). *** A quick-hack would be to switch a small solenoid in parallel with the big fan to feed some extra air in the intake manifold). *** A better solution to use an input for the AC signal and raise idle from software. L: Let's to this modification together with boardcomputer finalisation. Next week there will be an S6 as I know, these will problem there too. Marcell, What do you think when can this feature be developed to include into the firmware to handle AC as well ? ---- '''VE Learing''' How does it work ? OK, it can set to Enabled. If it is set up correctly does it change the VEtable values by the way the the EGOCorrection will be minimal. It is set to Enable. Does it try to improve VE table always now ? * do enable it unless you know what you are doing. There are a few parameters affecting the operation, and you have to review result anyway. It's not automatically saved anyway. If no experienced assistant to help tuning, take logs, and analyze them and change very carefully in small steps. Optional: Add document to category: Wiki formatting: * is Bullet list ** Bullet list subentry ... '''Bold''', ---- is horizontal ruler, <code> preformatted text... </code> See wiki editing HELP for tables and other formatting tips and tricks.