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Please make some of the pictures links so we don't kill modemers, like: [http://bmw.buliklub.hu/Pitti/m102/csapagy1.jpg bearing1] http://bmw.buliklub.hu/Pitti/m102/csapagy2.jpg A hengereken jól látszik a gyári hónolás : http://bmw.buliklub.hu/Pitti/m102/henger.jpg Félig összerakva a motor: http://bmw.buliklub.hu/Pitti/jeledo/holtpont.jpg A piros E30-ba megy a motor http://bmw.buliklub.hu/Pitti/e30/hpim0963k.jpg A motor összerkásánál a szokásos módon jartam el.Mindent megmértem, elmostam, igyekeztem mindenből gyári alkatrészt venni. A mosás, zsÃrtalanÃtás szerintem nagyon fontos mert ha marad bent egy kis homok vagy femreszelék az egyből kikezdi az üj tömÃtéseket, csapágyakat stb. Ha esetleg valakinek kérdése van az összerakással kapcsolatban szivesen válaszolok mailban. A vezérlőt felig összeraktam, eljutottam odáig hogy az érzéklőket fel kéne tennem a motorra. Mivel a Motronic-nak van egy gyárilag kiépÃtett érzékelője az első lendkeréken szeretném ezt felhasználni. http://bmw.buliklub.hu/Pitti/jeledo/szerelt.jpg http://bmw.buliklub.hu/Pitti/jeledo/jelado.jpg http://bmw.buliklub.hu/Pitti/jeledo/elolnezet.jpg A képen jól látszik hogy egy jel van egy főtengely fordulat alatt. Ezt kellene kibővÃtenem. ---- '''Trigger section''' According to our phone-call, you can choose * 3 pulses, 60..80 crankdegrees before TDC (the 3 pulses evenly spaced, 120 crankdegrees apart). * 24-1 pulses, the missing tooth location is not that critical (80..100 degrees BTDC sounds ideal). This might have some advantages later, when firmware is modified to time from latest possible tooth. Drilling 24-1 holes should be sufficient: it really does not worth the effort to put 24-1 sticks into the holes. But it's a good idea to do some table-testing with the chosen sensor, chosen crankwheel material, and a drill, and GenBoard/VerThree. See the EDIS pages and InputTrigger to find out how the LM1815 detects the falling edge, and where the falling edge happens mechanically (might not be at that part of the tooth as one would think). ---- Hi István, I know you had delays because of mechanical problems, but how did the trigger wheel machnining turn out? OK, the CaseFrontplate CNC seems to be in the finish, some mechanical testing remains, simplification of the design (parts overlap) and finalization. I send you a few parts in the morning: * Econoseal EC36PCB, EC18PCB, EC36Wire, EC18Wire * Alubos1600 + screws * 2 gaskets * GenBoard/VerThree * included rescue1, rescue2 kits * added PWM-ing stuff (diodes and SIL5 and MC34151D) * what else do you need ? (see WebShop) Sent to H-4400 Nyiregyhaza ... ----------- Hi Istvan! If it's not problem, the following part in hungarian: Fogsz egy 88 utáni M30-as motort, az elsõ 'lendkereket', amin a fogak vannak átteszed a saját motorodra. Veszel még egy fõtengelyjeladót bontva 6ért, meg egy konzolt hozzá és máris ott a 60-2 jeladót. Minden cuppra csereszabatos, most épÃtettem át egy régi Jetronicos 635-öt 1.3-as Motronicra. Ãœdv Steam ------------------------------------------------- Hello Steam Thx a segitsegert. Vegülis megoldódott a probléma. 24-1 es érzékeléssel lessz megoldva. A gyári lendkereket alakÃtom át. A te megoldásod is jó lenne csak kicsit sok a jel, úgy nehezebb beállÃtani. István ---- '''CaseFrontplate''' I got the sample frontplate. * Unlike Keith's, I could assemble this with the Econoseal. The base material is probably 0.1 mm thinner (~3mm). Good. * the holes are slightly misaligned, easy to fix * the overlap is overengineered (same as Keith's) takes way more machine time than necessary. As we agreed, this will be changed: if only the screw-holes are used for alignment (no extra holes and alignment .... whatever it's called) it all becomes simpler ----------------------------------------------- yes, the 60-2 trigger is supported, just as the 24-1. However 60-2 doesn't mean useful extra precision compared to 24-1 (the quartz-clock is used to time the signal anyway, the higher toothcount just means some extra interrupt overhead). So it's just a matter of which can be applied easier. (unless above 13000 RPM, where the 60-2 is not recommended). Steam recommends the 60-2 trigger wheel. As I wrote, it is supported (used, eg Dave Brul), no C coding needed. There is no separate firmware for v2.2, only 1 unified firmware tree is maintainted (and v3.x supports everything that v2 did, except the controlled high-voltage FlyBack). Some picture (will you be kind to write the comment to the relevant place - in this case near the picture?) include the old front trigger wheel. You must change the trigger wheel, the sensor and sensor holder. Factory solution. This parts' price ~0... Optional: Add document to category: Wiki formatting: * is Bullet list ** Bullet list subentry ... '''Bold''', ---- is horizontal ruler, <code> preformatted text... </code> See wiki editing HELP for tables and other formatting tips and tricks.