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IMPORTANT: enter the case-INsensitive alphabetic (no numbers) code AND WRITE SOME SHORT summary of changes (below) if you are saving changes. (not required for previewing changes). Wiki-spamming is not tolerated, will be removed, so it does NOT even show up in history. Spammers go away now. Visit Preferences to set your user name Summary of change: '''Engine Mechanical''' Audi I5 3B engine 01E gearbox Verdi dry sump system '''Engenine Management''' Vems 3.7 VAG lupo 60-2 trigger on crank Honneywell Hall trigger on camshaft 4 Kpa onboard MAP-sensor Bosch TPS vag 115r ign-coils triple bosch 044 fuel pumps, connected via two 30A relays with flyback diode. '''Problem''' Vems box is dead due to use of a old faulty battery-charger, ec36 pin25 is short to ground. (3A fused) Worked fine untill the battery-charger was connected. Melts the fuse instantly as you power on ignition key. '''Most likely Cause''' The 'old faulty battery charger' has most likely provided a much to high voltage to the ecu (>18v), there is a protection inside the ecu that trips and blows the fuse when this happens. See D22 (How can one find this ? On GenBoard/VerThree/Schematic at EC36/pin25 the keyword is "13.8V" , search for "13.8V" on the schematic drawing to find D22 ). If and large fuse was used it can permanently fuse the over voltage (transient suppression diode) device also. The rescue kit (GenBoard/VerThree/RescueKit) should have a replacement diode marked: 1.5KE18 (is 18V). If not the diode can be cut until a valid replacement has been ordered from [https://shop.vems.hu/catalog/throughole-diode-p-93.html webshop]. I have annotated its location on v3 picture here (inside yellow circle): http://vems.hu/dave/v3_top_channels_and_pins_transsp.png Best regards, Dave Optional: Add document to category: Wiki formatting: * is Bullet list ** Bullet list subentry ... '''Bold''', ---- is horizontal ruler, <code> preformatted text... </code> See wiki editing HELP for tables and other formatting tips and tricks.