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May desire some prime pulse if using throttle body injection, otherwise it is generally unnecessary''' ---- settings>Warmup Enrichments> Warmup Enrichments, biased at 100 http://www.vems.hu/manual/html/ch09s02.html '''ADD''' '''100% Means no enrichment, 200% means double. Get the engine tuned and running properly while warm then adjust the warmup.''' ---- http://www.vems.hu/manual/html/ch09.html#Detailed.Sensor.RPM *Primary trigger **Edge When using a VR trigger the ECU module must be configured to trig on the rising edge of a tooth. '''ADD''' '''Use falling edge for hall or optical trigger.''' Filtering VR SENSOR When using a coil-type wheel it is sometimes nessecary to enable filtering in order to get a good clean trigger signal. In case a multitooth wheel is used filtering must always be disabled, otherwise erratic RPM signal might occur. '''ADD''' '''HALL OR OPTICAL''' '''Use filtering''' *Advanced Filtering '''ADD TO MANUAL WITH DESCRIPTION''' *Special N-1 '''ADD TO MANUAL WITH DESCRIPTION''' ---- http://www.vems.hu/manual/html/ch09.html#Detailed.Sensor.RPM **Trigger tooth '''You can use any tooth you want, best is 55-70 degrees BTDC''' 00 is first tooth sensed after the missing tooth, 01 is the next one and so on. (wether 60-2 or N-1). See 9.1.5. Calibrating for specifics on setting up. '''http://www.vems.hu/manual/html/ch09.html#Detailed.Sensor.RPM is correct: the first tooth after the missing tooth is numbered 0.''' 9.1.5. Calibrating # '''Open terminal program and type Man>mda 01, this will set the ign advance to .25 degrees. Or open Megatune>extras>advanced als>ignition offset then set it to 63. Check on the Megatune main page and your ignition advance should indicate 0.''' # '''Using your timing light with the engine running or cranking, change ign_tdcdelay (MegaTune trigger settings>tdc after trigger) untill your timing light indicates 0 degrees of advance on your crank pulley.''' # '''If you set this and it ends up outside the 40-60 degree range when your timing light indicates you are firing on TDC, change “Trigger tooth” ahead or back and then readjust untill you can get ign_tdcdelay (MegaTune trigger settings>tdc after trigger) within that 40-60 degree range.''' ---- Please make a new page in the manual for all the output channels. <code> misc1out_minrpm=00 misc1out_maxrpm=00 misc1out_mintps=00 misc1out_maxtps=00 misc1out_minmap=00 misc1out_maxmap=00 misc1out_channel=FF misc2out_minrpm=00 misc2out_maxrpm=00 misc2out_mintps=00 misc2out_maxtps=00 misc2out_minmap=00 misc2out_maxmap=00 misc2out_channel=FF act_wot_rpm=FF act_wot_channel=FF act_rpm_rpm=FF act_rpm_channel=FF </code> All can be set on a free p259 channel (as long as each channel draws less than 350ma), or a specfet channel if you add flyback protection for inductive loads like relays and solenoids, BUT A FREE FET IS RECOMMENDED. Use this table to find a channel you want to use. ||'''Family (This is what you select in Megatune when you are selecting a channel)'''||'''Number (This is what you select in Megatune when you are selecting a channel)'''||'''mdh ON/OFF (This is what you type on your keyboard or terminal program to manually turn the channels off and on)'''||'''Pin'''||'''Name'''||'''Max Load'''||'''Comments'''|| ||SPECFET||0||81/01||EC18 pin 12||Drive A||7 A||Misc driver|| ||SPECFET||1||91/11||EC18 pin 6||Drive B||7 A||Misc driver|| ||I259||0||82/02||EC36 pin 35||Drive 00||7 A||Ignition Driver|| ||I259||1||92/12||EC36 pin 33||Drive 01||7 A||Ignition Driver|| ||I259||2||A2/22||EC36 pin 34||Drive 02||7 A||Ignition Driver|| ||I259||3||B2/32||EC36 pin 36||Drive 03||7 A||Ignition Driver|| ||I259||4||C2/42||EC36 pin 11||Drive 04||7 A||Ignition Driver|| ||I259||5||D2/52||EC36 pin 12||Drive 05||7 A||Ignition Driver|| ||I259||6||E2/62||EC36 pin 24||Drive 06||7 A||Ignition Driver|| ||I259||7||F2/72||EC36 pin 10||Drive 07||7 A||Ignition Driver|| ||S259||0||86/06|| N/A ||lcd_rs||N/A||Used internally|| ||S259||1||96/16|| (Onboard) ||S259 Out1||logic||Has to be soldered|| ||S259||2||A6/26|| (Onboard) ||S259 Out2||logic||Check board layout|| ||S259||3||B6/36|| EC18 pin 4||Step A||1A||Can be used for stepper|| ||S259||4||C6/46||EC18 pin 10 ||Step B||1A||Or as separate drivers with || ||S259||5||D6/56||EC18 pin 5 ||Step C||1A||stepper chip populated|| ||S259||6||E6/66||EC18 pin 11||Step D||1A||otherwise, internal logic level|| ||S259||7||F6/76|| N/A ||EN_ab||N/A||used internally|| ||P259||0||87/07||EC36 pin 4||Drive 08||350mA||Free for any usage|| ||P259||1||97/17||EC36 pin 16||Drive 09||350mA||Free for any usage|| ||P259||2||A7/27||(Onboard) ||CL LED||350mA||Onboard, LED1|| ||P259||3||B7/37||(Onboard) ||MISC LED||350mA||Onboard, LED2|| ||P259||4||C7/47||EC36 pin 3||IDL||350mA||Idle solenoid relay|| ||P259||5||D7/57||EC36 pin 15||FP||350mA||Fuel pump relay|| ||P259||6||E7/67||EC36 pin 31||Drive 10||350mA||Free for any usage|| ||P259||7||F7/77||EC36 pin 30||Drive 11||350mA||Free for any usage|| In MegaTune- advanced>all output channels on one page>(desired item being controlled) if you want to run a relay on EC36 pin15, then select P259 and channel 5. The relay will be grounded when the switch point comes. If you select i5 (inverted), then that channel will normally be grounded. When the switch point comes, it will turn off and break the ground circuit. Average user will NOT need inverted, unless you have some special setup or "normally closed" relays. Easiest way to set it up on an injfet channel is check which fet is free. 01, 02, 04, 08, 10, 20, 40, 80 are the numbers you will use in your h[0] table and each of those numbers corresponds to a pin on the EC36 connector. Looking at this table ||Mask (numbers that go in your h[0] table Or Megatune>tools>table editor)||The pin that is controlled by that channel|| ||01 (or settings>injector settings 1)||EC36 pin 7|| ||02 (or settings>injector settings 2)||EC36 pin 19|| ||04 (or settings>injector settings 4)||EC36 pin 8|| ||08 (or settings>injector settings 8)||EC36 pin 20|| ||10 (or settings>injector settings 16)||EC36 pin 9|| ||20 (or settings>injector settings 32)||EC36 pin 18|| ||40 (or settings>injector settings 64)||EC36 pin 6|| ||80 (or settings>injector settings 128)||EC36 pin 17|| you can see that mask 01 is EC36 pin 7, mask 02 is pin 19, 04 is pin 8 etc, this never changes. If you want to use EC36 pin 17 (mask 80) for any relay (fuel pump, waterpump, fan or any other output for that matter), you set your h[0] table by opening MegaTune with VEMS connected and turned on, click tools>table editor> then set the $00 table (that is MegaTunes way of saying h[0]) so that the last variable on the right is 80, then click extra>fan/waterpump/fuel pump>fuel pump channel and set to injfet and channel 7 (7 means the last channel in your h[0] table, 0 is the first channel). Here is another example with a fan, fuel pump and a waterpump relay controlled by the fets as well as 4 injectors. Lets make up an h[0] table. $00 (megatunes way of saying h[0]) = 02 08 04 01 10 20 40 80. For injectors, start from the left of your h[0] table but remember if you want a specific firing order, the table reads backwards, from right to left. Your settings>injector settings>alternate banks from h[0] will need to be 3 (remember the choices are 0 which means use the first number in the h[0] table [if we were firing only 1 injector], 1 means second, 2 means 3rd etc.) this means that the first 4 from the left are used for injectors. When using the injfets to drive outputs, pay attention to where each EC36 pin’s mask is assigned in the h[0] table. HINT: In megatune table editor you will see that above the h[0] line where you input your h[0] table, there is another set of numbers you cant change, $00 means that what you enter in your h[0] table under it, will be on (injfet0) $01 (injfet1) $02 (injfet2) $03 (injfet3) $04 (injfet4) $05 (injfet5) $06 (injfet6) $07 (injfet7). Since we have alternate=3 for the injectors, all we have available to us is: h[0] used used used used injfet4 injfet5 injfet6 injfet7. Using the above h[0] table, lets make the fuel pump relay on pin 17 (mask 80, see the table), waterpump on pin 18 (mask 20) and fan on pin 9 (mask 10), just for the heck of it. Open MegaTune, click on extras>fan/waterpump/fuel pump>fuel pump channel (substitute fan, waterpump or misc outputs here when setting up those channels) For the fuel pump you will select injfet 7 (the 8th channel in your h[0] table), waterpump will be injfet 5(the 6th channel in your h[0] table), fan will be injfet 4 (the 5th channel in your h[0] table). '''NOTE''' All output channels only control ground (except stepper channel). Optional: Add document to category: Wiki formatting: * is Bullet list ** Bullet list subentry ... '''Bold''', ---- is horizontal ruler, <code> preformatted text... </code> See wiki editing HELP for tables and other formatting tips and tricks.