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IMPORTANT: enter the case-INsensitive alphabetic (no numbers) code AND WRITE SOME SHORT summary of changes (below) if you are saving changes. (not required for previewing changes). Wiki-spamming is not tolerated, will be removed, so it does NOT even show up in history. Spammers go away now. Visit Preferences to set your user name Summary of change: == Welcome to the VEMS Wiki! == '''New version of the Webshop engine with new look:''' * The [https://shop.vems.hu/catalog/password_forgotten.php webshop] got a new, more modern look, and might be more suitable to browse on phones (although phones mostly waste time when it comes to serious work or serious information-gathering). Please '''use desktop browser to order''', and read the product descriptions. Change currency at the lower right on [https://shop.vems.hu/ shop.vems.hu main page] or add '''?currency=EUR''' to the URL for EUR currency (once, should stay that way) ** '''Old account passwords MUST be changed with [https://shop.vems.hu/catalog/password_forgotten.php Forgotten password]''' so that [https://shop.vems.hu/catalog/login.php login] is possible ** [https://shop.vems.hu/catalog/login.php Create new account] if no success changing pw (works from desktop).[https://shop.vems.hu/catalog/login.php log in] ** note: the format of PW changed internally with the new version in an incompatible way, so old passwords cannot be used to log in ** note: the '''upgrade was NOT planned'''. Unfortunately the hosting changed the PHP from 5.x to 7.x (PHP is a big nonsense, unfortunately, they cannot maintain compatibility even for simple things...). '''Sorry about any inconvenience''' it might have caused. ** We are '''working on making it more user friendly''' for users and administrators ---- The high-end product is GenBoard/VerThree. It's not possible to add new hardware features (everything added already), so development targets are: * make the install procedure simpler, features easier to configure * new software features, like ** support for the most exotic trigger types ** and networking of devices * to make trigger field-configurable instead of order-time configurable '''GenBoard/VerThree with MAP connection:''' http://shop.x-dsl.hu/catalog/images/vems_box320_trans.gif * See GenBoard/Manual and DocsPage * See MembersPage and make subpages for your projects. If you have any questions, you need to summarize the requirements and the current state of your research on your pages (even if you use ListsAndForums, it is very unlikely to get good answers without good questions!) * You will also find '''project development''' information in the wiki. This will lead you to endless information about engine management system related sensors, devices, assembly, and some non-specific frequently asked questions (FAQ). '''GenBoard/VerThree with onboard MAP, and flying loom EGT, LCD and PS2 connections:''' http://vems.hu/www.vems.co.uk/VEMSUserManual/VEMSConnectorsLabels.jpg ---- === The Wiki and Collaborating === This website uses a '''Wiki''' engine to '''allow you the developer, programmer, user, etc to interact''' completely with the developmental process of VEMS engine performance or the evolution of your engine-project. Please take care of VEMS by reading the TermsOfAgreement page. If you would like to learn how to use the wiki and what it takes for proper formating, then just [http://tavi.sourceforge.net/FormattingRules click here]. Enjoy! ---- === News === * 2021-03-01 Even brexit-mess does not last forever (some parts lost, others delayed) ... http://vems.hu/files/MembersPage/Manufacturing/PickAndPlace/Fuji_PNP_cascade.jpg * 2020-03-11 [https://shop.vems.hu/catalog/password_forgotten.php New webshop engine]. With old accounts, use forgotten password feature to change passwords. * 2018-03 : 200mm long Alubos in stock ** suitable for 2 VEMS ECUs "back to back", or one v3 possibly with special extras, and appr 101mm extra space behind for custom stuff/gizmos ** or for 2 VEMS ECUs for some V12 / V16 or some special circuitry added. ** write in order-comment of Alubos case, or VEMS ECU "200mm long flanged box for .... ECU" (emphasized in order-comment at the time of order). ** Hint: CNC-contour milling (custom endplate) from DXF format is cheap and fast. 3D (overlapping frontplate from DXF, or some other trick from heightfield: prolly possible but takes more setup) * 2016-04 [http://www.ethereum.org Ether] is accepted in WebShop. This is the first non-fraudulently created currency accepted in this shop (fiat currencies like USD, GBP, EUR are created in a tricky deception). Also, the first proper currency accepted (proper = based on cryptographic signature, which visa/mc and the banking system does not provide) ** interestingly it also means that vems ECU can be purchased for 0. Just buy 1.2x more ether than needed, and wait until the rate climbs 5x (so 0.2 == 1.0). This happens only twice in a lifetime. Most of us missed the first (x100 tulipomania) in 2012 with bitcoin. Bitcoin was historical, and ether (which is the "PC, if bitcoin is a 2-operation calculator") is much more useful (actually, you can create your own currency in it; or a share company if you like), and also historical. (one path to purchase Ether: localbitcoins => BTC => [https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ethereum/ Ether]. It will be simpler to buy/sell in the future, but than the rate will be much higher so still good as a medium of exchange, but not to gain 10x ...) * 2016-03 v3 can be ordered for BMW S65 (quad Vanos, CAN bus double throttle and idle valve). * 2016-01 successfully implemented CAN commands for BMW S65 (high-end V8 with quad-Vanos) IAC and ETC (CAN-bus drive-by-wire throttle) * 2013-2014 [http://vems.hu/vt/help/v3/v3_electronic_throttle_control.html Electronic Throttle Control] became common-place, using [https://shop.vems.hu/catalog/bridgeoutputdriver-p-185.html Bridge-output driver] * 2012 '''camshaft angle control (double Vanos / VVTI / AVCS ): widening the camshaft-angle position measurement and control support to all known factory and home-made setups, up to 2 independently controlled camshafts and up to 4 actuators''' ** "separate measure tooth" for the 2 independently controlled cams (useful for some factory and home-made setups). Any known setup can be controlled, including honda-extrapulse, missingpulse with single long-gap like 60-2 or 36-1 or 12-1 (or any other N-2 or N-1), or multiple long-gaps like 36-2-2-2 as in InputTrigger/SubaruThirtySixMinusTwoMinusTwoMinusTwo or the 36-1-1-1 (K-rover wheel) as in MembersPage/YasecElise ** optional 4th inputtrigger (position sensor) can be used for camshaft-angle control feedback when the secondary trigger is not moving (like 135-tooth InputTrigger/AudiTrigger) and the 3d and 4th trigger is for some historical reason not suitable for sync like in many '''Subaru engine cylinder heads''' * '''2011 camshaft angle position control''' (double Vanos / VVTI / AVCS ...) for 2 camshafts (up to 4 actuators) ** controlling the intake cam makes the turbo spool faster (say 3500 RPM instead of 4000 RPM), and a real improvement in drivability and power, the '''best engine-improvement since fuel-injection''' ** controlling also the exhaust camshaft makes the turbo spool even faster (eg. 3000 RPM instead of 3500 RPM) and really awesome * '''2010 beyond 3 bar boost: [http://shop.vems.hu/catalog/sensors-c-1_12.html 700 kPa absolute pressure sensor]''' (linear, 5V). Not available anywhere else. * '''2009 [http://vems.hu/download/harness/V3Harness/ V3harness updated drawings], nicer looking, in English''' * 2008 Christellracing beast also runs best time on King of Europe event in Belgium. Missing a launch, it's out before the finals. * '''2007 Beast achieves 7.8 sec 402m time''' in Sweden, with good traction * '''2007 VEMS powers Europe's fastest street legal car ''' [http://www.christellracing.se/ Christellracing beast] makes it's own league on King of Europe race with '''repeated 8.6 sec runs on 402m''' (yes, quartermile, not 200m). There were no cars between 8.6 and 9.6 sec. Traction was so bad on the racetrack, that the '''world's fastest street-legal car, Andy Frost''' 's very well built car that holds the 402m world record (of street-legal car) with 7.6sec (402m time) '''only achieved 9.6 sec on same track same day''' just like the other very powerful cars. The VEMS powered and sponsored beast won the rear-wheel-driven class and had the best time of all. Unfortunately, because of alternator-belt problem that could not be fixed in the very short timeframe, it (with the high current consumption of the 5 fuelpumps draining the battery in no time) could not compete against the much slower cars in the end. * '''2006''' large number of VEMS installs * '''2005.05.23.''' the assembled controller product options were standardized, so there are less variations, but still keeping versatility. Related WebShop text was updated * '''2004.11.01.''' We started a run of CNC frontplate (the newest design, similar to CaseFrontplate but still simpler without the pegs and easy to assemble) and endplate (testrun first) in a local shop, dropping the unreliable shop. I hope this ends the terrible situation that such simple parts delay shipment of items by weeks. * ''' 2004.10.04.''' I got the picknplace manufactured V3.2 boards. ** the PCB quality is awesome (including the edges) ** the solder-protect quality is extreme (unlike v3.0 and v3.1 that pealed off relatively easy if soldered too long: this is very hard to remove) ** it is dark-green (I said we'd prefer blue, but ... sigh) ** '''the parts-placement and reflow quality is awesome. I think we finally arrived to our future manufacturing facility. They make industrial controllers and very dense computers on the same machine. Very impressive, really. Over any expectations. We'll also make our next boards 0603.''' ** I played a bit tonight to get the first v3.2 up and tested (soldered the throughole parts: pinheaders, transient protection diode; tested ISP, RS232, LCD, ign259, mcp3208). * ''' 2004.09.08.''' Site has been given a face lift, and development for the GenBoard/VerThree (v3.x) ECU Manual has taken on a new pace. Please read read GenBoard/Manual for the latest! * ''' 2004.07.15. '''As v3.1 stock (from the automated assembly run) is getting low, we will soon start preparing the v3.2 run. However there are some decisions yet to be made. There will be no topology differences, but maybe we can gain some (slight)advantage by designing a fully custom case (GenBoard/VerThree/CustomCNCCase ) and making the right side (power transistors) to match, but the overall work seems a bit too much. * ''' 2004.05.14. '''I got v3.1 boards from the first automated assembled batch up and running and tested. Very nice board to work with, great design electronically and mechanically too, good job, guys. ---- === Disclaimers === If you are not familiar with the [http://auto.howstuffworks.com/engine.htm basic operations of a gasoline engine, better read here] first. The site assumes some basic knowledge of engine operation and tuning. Many pages assume knowledge that is on a different page (and not in the above basic introduction). If you find this please edit the page to make it point to that page (if it's not already so). The edit page function is at the bottom of all pages. If you dont know where to find the information just ask on a similiar relevent page. Sometimes is just takes some looking around to find the needed information. See more details about the ProjectGoals. ''By using this site or related infrastructure (email lists, CVS, etc...), you fully agree and accept WhatEverYouDoYouDoItAtYourOwnRisk.'' '''Do NOT EDIT this page. Vandalism of this page will NOT be tolerated.''' Optional: Add document to category: Wiki formatting: * is Bullet list ** Bullet list subentry ... '''Bold''', ---- is horizontal ruler, <code> preformatted text... </code> See wiki editing HELP for tables and other formatting tips and tricks.