Error report: 2019-05-08 10:45:24
Status: Details request

Report generated: VemsTune (Help menu/Error reporting by one-click)
blackadders loglist
Doesnt run, when turn key it starts for a few secunds just to stop again.
fuelpeassure is ok
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admin 2019-05-14 01:38:05
Hello Blackadder,

You seems to have created three duplicates of the same report, i have removed the other 2.

I have reviewed your vemslog and triggerlog. You are having an issue with some noise pickup on the primary trigger, in many cycles either 59 or 60 primary pulses are seen instead of the actual 58 teeth. This causes sync-up errors.

To resolve this:

1) make sure you are using a shielded primairy trigger cable, with both vr- and shield grounded at ecu side only.
2) disable in VT->secondary trigger settings->missing tooth primary allow sync without camsync receive.
3) make sure your coil secondary HV ground is properly connected on engine head (not on ecu wiring loom).
4) your dwell setttings are very high for COP or CNP coils, lower it to 2-2.5msec first as a ballpark figure.

After resolving these issues, please make another triggerlog and vemslog so i can review.
We'll work from there,

Best regards,


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