Subpage of ECU Logger menu
ECU log settings
After enabling ECU internal logging, log recording will start every time the engine is started.
Logs can be downloaded from Tools / SD Card Log / Search SD files . All logs can be erased from the same menu
A new file is created for every engine start. Appears in the Overview window (ordered by time)
ECU Logger dialog settings:
- ECU Logger enabled : enable or disable SD logging function. Enabling SD log disables Knock sensing.
- RT logging condition :
- SD logging can be enabled by user defined condition (eg. during "boost").
- SD logging active when function active.
- Possible enable condition: Misc outputs, WOT actuator, or Enable after first engine start (default option).
- Stop condition afterlogging:
- In conditional logging, logging stops after specified time, after the logging condition no longer holds.
- ECU Log uses Byte stuffed format (experimental, NOT recommended):
- It is a new format: VemsTune support since 2011-02-17.
- Benefits: can store more type of data on SD card (Datalog, GPS, Triggerlog, related config).
- Minor disadvantage: displayed time in the "Search SD files" (estimated from file length) might be slightly longer than real. After download the log length is precisely known, the log has good timestamps.
- Automatic GPS Log on main serial port: Enables GPS log to SD card on the main serial (ECU configuration port ), for more details see: GPS log section.
- GPS Log Baud rate: set GPS baud rate (reboot v3 after changing).
Search SD files (SD Card overview):
- The displayed time is estimated from file length.
- If logged GPS data is available in the file, then GPS date and time (log-start time) shown in the summary window.
- Preferrably load the matching config before downloading SD-log directly (from a PC-connected) SD-card.
- If config/tables changed after the log was captured, the tables in the vemslog might be misleading.
Eg. runtime VE_current differ from VE table, or runtime sparkadv differ from sparkadvance table. Note: runtime MAP, RPM and lambda, and almost all runtime values (except EGT, that depends on calibration in config) will be correct anyway.
Typically a 1GByte SD-card can store: ~360 hours of logging.
GPS log:
- GPS (NMEA) data can be logged to V3 internal SD Card (interleaved with other runtime data) if a GPS module is connected to the ECU (1st or 2nd) serial port.
- If connected to the main (1st) serial port ( ECU configuration port ) Enable "Automatic GPS Log on main serial port", and disable AIM.
- If connected to 2nd serial port, Disable "Automatic GPS Log on main serial port. Incompatible with 1-wire/iButton (because 1-wire uses the 2nd serial port).
- To verify the GPS log settings see the config Overview Expression grid.
Connecting RS232 GPS to 2nd serial port (GND and TX signal, since GPS RX signal not needed):

Testing the second serial input:
- Upload a firmware with second serial port support (fw 1.1.89 or later)
- Set up the GPS log to second serial:
- ECU Logger enabled: SDCard
- ECU Log use Byte stuffed format: Enable
- Automatic GPS Log on main serial port: Disable
- GPS Log Baud rate: 4800
- Reboot the ECU
- Erase the SD Card or check which is the latest file number
- Start SD logging manually (Tools/SDcard/Start SD log)
- Connect PC to second serial port
- Start a Serial terminal program, open the correct port with 4800 Baud
- Send the GPS saved log file
- Search SD files, save the latest log
- Open Vemslog, verify that GPS data is available (shift + 2: GPS gauge group) Search SD files, save the latest log