Subpage of Boost Control Menu
Boost/Idle/Lambda settings
- The Round Unit has a High Power control output (named Boost solenoid).
- The output can use for several control feature: Boost control (2 adc input available),Idle control, Lambda control or EGT control.
- The output is on the DSub15 connector pin 12. It can pull down to GND.
- All control method has a PID controller a reference and a target.
- The Boost output PWM period is 52ms (19Hz).
- The PID controller
- The PID controls the output to set the system to the target point.
- The output PWM value = reference curve(RPM) + P term + I term + D term
- P term(boost out): ( target value - measured value) * KP / 163.84
- P term(pwm0,4 out): ( target value - measured value) * KP / 655.36
- I term: Boost integral * KI /10.24 (Boost integral increments by (target value - measured value) / 16 in every ms)
- D term: (Previous measued value - actual measured value) * KD / 8192 (measurement are in every ms)
- Integral limit : maximum of boost integral change
- The reference
- It is the base PWM output when the measured value equals to the target.
- If enabled RPM dependent curve can use.
- The target
- The target is the value which needed in the system. (For example: 200Kpa)
- It is different in different method, see at the target curves.
- If enabled RPM dependent curve can use.
- Special note to Boost target:
- The Boost method use the analog input as a MAP sensor.
- Before use the control function, calibrate your Analog in to show value in Kpa (
Analog input settings).
- PWM 0 and PWM 4 outputs only on Round V2
- Round V2 has 3 pwm outputs:
- Boost output: same as Round V1 on Dsub15 pin 12
- PWM 0 output: on Dsub15 pin2
- PWM 4 output: on Dsub15 pin3
- Functionality is the same as Boost control above with configurable period.
- Only one output can use the RPM dependent curve at the same time.