Standard Outputs/Drivers


The injector (INJ) outputs on the Genboard V.3 ECU are used to drive High-Z, peak- and-hold injectors. Genboard can be configured to use any combination of these INJ outputs to support between 2 and 16 individual injectors. There are load concerns to think about before trying to hook up the injectors.

Genboard V.3 ECU support either batch, semi sequential, and full sequential. There are different theories about which mode of injection is better. VEMS is in agreement that while sequential does not add more power, its more efficient, lowers emissions, and provides better seat time for an injector since a longer on time is used. Full sequential injection can only support up to 8 injectors. Since the INJ circuitry will only allow two injectors to be connected to one driver, the most Genboard V.3 ECU could support would be 16 cylinders in semi sequential or batch mode. How you setup your triggers in both hardware (Chapter 3) and software (Chapter 4).

For any combination of injectors, the positive terminal on the injector(s) must be connected to fused, switched 12 volts and the negative terminal is connected to the Genboard at the one of the following INJ Pins:

  • EC36 Pin 7 - Injector Driver A

  • EC36 Pin 19 - Injector Driver B

  • EC36 Pin 8 - Injector Driver C

  • EC36 Pin 20 - Injector Driver D

  • EC36 Pin 9 - Injector Driver E

  • EC36 Pin 18 - Injector Driver F

  • EC36 Pin 6 - Injector Driver G

  • EC36 Pin 17 - Injector Driver H

Associated with injector solenoids is flyback. Please talk briefly here how to hook it up and when to hook it up.

Coils/Misc Drivers

Complete this just like the injector section was done. Note about how the ingition and driver outputs are the same.

Fuel Pump Relay

Again, complete this just lik e the previous sections

Idle Air Actuator

Again, complete this just lik e the previous sections

Idle Air Motor

Again, complete this just lik e the previous sections