ECU Connectors

The Econoseal Connectors

The Econoseal III connection is where your Genboard V.3 ECU connects to the rest of the automobile. The Econoseal III connector is of industrial grade and serves to limit vibrations and contains a seal to keep out fluids like oil and water in almost all cases.

Table 3.1. The 36-pin Econoseal Pinout

Pin 01 - Throttle Position Sensor Signal Pin 19 - Injector Driver B (INJB)
Pin 02 - Idle Air Temperature Input Pin 20 - Injector Driver D (INJD)
Pin 03 - Fast Idle Solenoid Driver (IDL) Pin 21 - Analog Ground (GND)
Pin 04 - Coil Driver 08 Pin 22 - Flyback Rail (FLY)
Pin 05 - Analog Ground (GND) Pin 23 - Flyback Rail (FLY)
Pin 06 - Injector Driver G (INJG) Pin 24 - Coil 6 Driver
Pin 07 - Injector Driver A (INJA) Pin 25 - Voltage Supply (V-Batt)
Pin 08 - Injector Driver C (INJC) Pin 26 - Ground (GND)
Pin 09 - Injector Driver E (INJE) Pin 27 - Primary Trigger Signal (TRIG1)
Pin 10 - Coil Driver 07 Pin 28 - Trigger Supply (HALL/VR)
Pin 11 - Coil Driver 04 Pin 29 - Throttle Position Voltage Divider (TPS)
Pin 12 - Coil Driver 05 Pin 30 - Coil Driver 11
Pin 13 - Secondary Trigger Signal (TRIG2) Pin 31 - Coil Driver 10
Pin 14 - Coolant Air Temperature Input (CLT) Pin 32 - Analog Ground (GND)
Pin 15 - Fuel Pump Relay (FPR) Pin 33 - Coil Driver 01
Pin 16 - Coil Driver 09 Pin 34 - Coil Driver 02
Pin 17 - Injector Driver H (INJH) Pin 35 - Coil Driver 00
Pin 18 - Injector Driver F (INJF) Pin 36 - Coil Driver 03

Table 3.2. The 18-pin Econoseal Pinout

Pin 01 - Nernst Cell Signal (WBO2 #2) Pin 10 - Idle Stepper Driver B (STEP B)
Pin 02 - Exhaust Back Pressure Input (EBP) Pin 11 - Idle Stepper Driver D (STEP D)
Pin 03 - Fuel Pressure Input (FP) Pin 12 - High Current Driver A
Pin 04 - Idle Stepper Driver A (STEP A) Pin 13 - Nernst Cell Signal (WBO2 #1)
Pin 05 - Idle Stepper Driver C (STEP C) Pin 14 - Blank
Pin 06 - High Current Driver B Pin 15 - Blank
Pin 07 - Wideband O2 Pump (WBP-) Pin 16 - Dallas Digital Output (1-Wire)
Pin 08 - Wideband O2 Pump (WBP+ #2) Pin 17 - Wideband O2 Heater (WBH- #2)
Pin 09 - Wideband O2 Pump (WBP+ #1) Pin 18 - Wideband O2 Heater (WBH- #1)

RS-232 Serial Connector

Here we need to talk about the RS-232 Serial Connector........

Table 3.3. RS-232 Serial Pinout

Pin 01 - Genboard Transmit to DB 9 Pin 3
Pin 02 - Genboard Recieve to DB 9 Pin 2
Pin 03 - Data Ground to DB 9 Pin 5

Keyboard Connection

The Keyboard connector allows for a simple and versatile interface for inputing commands into the Genboard ECU. It is located to the left of the ECU's Atmel processor. You can interface with either a PS2 or an AT Connector. The PS2 connector is also refered to as a "6 Pin Mini DIN", while the AT connector is refered to as a "5 Pin DIN". Either can be used as noted in the table below.

Table 3.4. PS2 Keyboard Pinout

Pin 01 - Vcc to DIN 6 Pin 4, or DIN 5 Pin 5
Pin 02 - Ground to DIN6 Pin 3, or DIN 5 Pin 4
Pin 03 - Data to DIN 6 Pin 3, or DIN 5 Pin 4
Pin 04 - Clock to DIN 6, Pin 5, or DIN 5 Pin 1

LCD Connection

The LCD Header is located directly below the ECU's Atmel processor and is used to interface a ____ compatable LCD. Please note that the LCD header does not start at Pin 1, but rather at Pin -1. This was done to make Pin 1 the first LCD pin. Please note that all following information assumes that you are using the LCD supplied from the VEMS Webstore. For contrast adjustment, a 470 to 1000 ohm potentiometer can be connected between LCD Pin 3 and Ground. The backlight feature is available by inserting a 100 ohm resister between LCD Pin 15 and Vcc. The backlight feature can be switched on or off by using a switch between LCD Pin 16 and Ground.

Table 3.5. LCD Pinout

Pin 01 - RS to LCD Pin 4
Pin 02 - Ground to LCD Pin 1
Pin 03 - Databit 7 to LCD Pin 14
Pin 04 - Databit 6 to LCD Pin 13
Pin 05 - Databit 5 to LCD Pin 12
Pin 06 - Databit 4 to LCD Pin 11
Pin 07 - R/W to LCD Pin 5
Pin 08 - Enable to LCD Pin 6
Pin 09 - Not Used
Pin 10 - Vcc to LCD Pin 2